POE2 Endgame. Time to quit (for the new players..)
Ahhhh here we are, Endgame, its here and guess what. Its just like poe1, its going to be fullscreen clear zoom fest, its already apparent in the top farming builds.
Guess what NEW PLAYERS, its time to adapt ! you better start zooming you plebs, cast on crit, shield charge on weapon swap, you only farming 1 exalt an hour ? Get some movement speed you scrub! Single targeting white mobs ? Pathetic, dont even have a full screen clear build. All the things i see posted for the last week, hahaha that milk aged so poorly it barely made it a week. "I like how they changed it to a slow and methodical game now" "I prefer the slow and tactical approach to the game" BZZZZT wrong ! This is going to be the WRONG way to play you peasants. All these players are going to be the new projectPT people whining about how full screen zoom builds are farming 10x the loot they are. The franchise only had 150k or so consistently paying customers, they picked up a shitload of train hoppers that thought the game was going to be different, (its not). Now they split their paying user base between 2 games and those that stay with poe1 wont want to fund poe2. (I personally despise the roll mechanic in POE2 and its the single reason i wont play it, beaten all souls games and 20k hours in poe1 but i dont want souls in my arpg). Hold on to your asses because the crying about endgame is going to be EPIC. 80% of the new players playing poe2 are going to straight fucking quit when they reach t6 or so maps and they have to regear everything all over again for resistances. The timmy's that cried about "OMG I NEED TO READ EXCEL TO PLAY POE!" hahahah even the best builds right now in poe2 have so many overlapping layered interactions i already see people asking to be explained how spark ignite triggers, coc and other poe 1 mechanics work and translate to poe2. Should of just made a different game with a new name, tried your souls style arpg there. Hell divers 2 started with 500k players on release and has around 40k players on average now, d3 and d4 sold 35million units and has less players than a poe1 league. Lets see where poe2 is in a couple more weeks... Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Dec 11, 2024, 11:55:44 PM Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 1:12:45 AM
sounds like ur having fun!
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I would love to see what build you are talking about, zoom fest? Most builds have a tough time getting thru campaign, then you have no damage or any abilities for survival in higher tier maps lol, so not sure what build that is even able to do that at this time
" There is plenty of builds already full screen clear farming red maps..If your build is still stuck in the campaign you fall into the category of player that doesn't know how to layer mechanics. Im sure that the great trickle down Build-economics will take shape soon and the plebs can pick up the scraps from people who can play the game and mimic a fraction of their power. Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Dec 12, 2024, 2:27:47 AM
I have 2 builds in maps, but still looking for the one that you are reffering to that is zooming thru red maps
" Sure, spark for one. It can carry party maps solo. |
" I haven't heared that name in years. Good old memories! ;) German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team." top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile" |