Gain X% of damage as Chaos - is this right? Pure Chaos Cluster
Is chaos damage still as effective as it is/was in PoE? I thought it somewhat bypass defenses excluding resist.
With PoE 2 does "damage" refer to the final damage of your skill on hit? ex: The total lightning damage of spark. Are these numbers correct or is there something terribly wrong with the games calculations? So I thought I was doing something here by including chaos damage into my Spark build hoping to get some good damage added in but came across an issue. On the skill tree I pathed through the cluster for "Pure Chaos" located outer ring about 0130 on the tree. This gives me 4 small nodes that each give "11% increased Chaos damage" and the Notable Pure Chaos which gives me "Gain 11% of damage as extra Chaos damage". So, 11% gained as Chaos and 44% increased chaos damage. Currently my Sparks lightning damage is at 52 - 964. But, for the chaos part it only says Chaos damage 3 - 48. Am I just ignorant on how it's calculated or is this bugged? Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 6:53:12 PM