My list of potential bugs and small suggestions.
- Several MAJOR Graphic glitches: ACT3 Temple zones. Almost every zone after "Apex of filth". "The Ziggurat Refuge" also has Graphic issues. - Tried running maps, same issue happened 10 times in a row. Trying to enter a map causes a crash (logout). Trying to enter it after relog also crashes the game. Opening a second map after the first crash fixes it. When map is completed and I open a new map I crash. And then the cycle repeats. (Was playing in a party, crossplay from Xbox to PC) - Gem stash tab is glitchy when scrolling through gems. - Controller running out of battery will logout my character. (Fixed)- no way to search skillgems when crafting new skills. - scrolling through "advanced info" tab between skills will randomly choose skill instead of the order they are in my "skillbar" (EDIT)- Guild micro transactions works sometimes. Lost all my coins when trying to donate to guild. - loading screen long (but seems to be the same for PC) Really annoying when I want to sell inventories with white/blue items for gold and have to wait for 2 of them constantly. - (Not a bug but implementing the notice board from poe1 would be really great.) - Tinkers tools in "Mawdun quarry" nowhere to be found. - Questlog not updating quest tracking correctly sometimes. In ACT2 the trial quest kept sending me back to Traitors passage even though I was finished. Edit: - Intro cinematic has Graphic glitches. - no way to skip cutscenes between acts. WEEK 2: - Unique stash tab, cannot access the sort function, only zoom. - Warped to a player that was in act3 normal and had completed the act with the gateway to cruel open. The normal waypoint is gone and entering the gateway ports me to act1 startingzone. Opening a tp sends me back to act3. Thus being stuck without wp. Will update the list as early access goes on. Have generally been a good/smooth experience so far. Good job! Last edited by BrutusIII#7107 on Dec 12, 2024, 5:36:12 PM Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 6:19:30 PM
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