New builds - 2 point ascendancy only

GG GGG on the new game, absolutely love it. I enjoy building new builds trying new class/skills more than end game blasting - with that said I was looking at a new build idea and was hunting for the best 2-point ascendancy class/skill I can make. Why only 2 points? Because I can't get through the act 3 trial. I feel like it is too much time wasted on it, not fun game play, over whelming, over tuned. Suggestion would be if you die restart the trial you died on and not the whole thing or simply, please bring back lab :)
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 10:05:27 AM
ppl begging to get lab back xD
that's golden
hah this didnt age well.
+2 Lol. I managed to get 4 points. But yeah, incredible that such piece of content made it to the game. Games are supposed to be fun aren't they? Wonder what GGG was thinking when they decided to go with these "trials".
+2 Lol. I managed to get 4 points. But yeah, incredible that such piece of content made it to the game. Games are supposed to be fun aren't they? Wonder what GGG was thinking when they decided to go with these "trials".
gotta say that the trial was some of the most fun content in this game, only part that needs serious rework are the bosses. u cant put a boss that does a 1k dps tornado that can literally oneshot you in a zone where most players have an effective hp pool of around 1k

im first time poe player and on hardcore, didnt die on trials. only had 2 chars die after act 1 since i started playing, so difficulty felt perfectly fine, except a few exceptions like the tornado boss mentioned above
gotta say that the trial was some of the most fun content in this game, only part that needs serious rework are the bosses. u cant put a boss that does a 1k dps tornado that can literally oneshot you in a zone where most players have an effective hp pool of around 1k

im first time poe player and on hardcore, didnt die on trials. only had 2 chars die after act 1 since i started playing, so difficulty felt perfectly fine, except a few exceptions like the tornado boss mentioned above

Agree, but instead they should just put mobs that have the same moveset as the bosses prior to fighting them so you get a chance to experience the boss mechanics without just going in blind and getting 1 shot by something you cant see or predict. For example, the twins bosses in trial 2. They both have on death effects, because LOLLMAO why not. Hour down the drain with no warning. They literally just fall over dead and the impact of them hitting the ground explodes the screen. A huge amount of people have and will die to this and waste their time, without any warning. If it was visually explained prior, it would make sense and be something you could learn and prepare for.
For example, the twins bosses in trial 2. They both have on death effects, because LOLLMAO why not. Hour down the drain with no warning. They literally just fall over dead and the impact of them hitting the ground explodes the screen. A huge amount of people have and will die to this and waste their time, without any warning.

And yet thats nothing compared to the trollmoves the 3rd and 4th boss are pulling off for no reason.

Well, 3rd boss doesnt even do anything but the "advisor" does and altho you can avoid all of that just fine - if you know it - you will almost certainly die to it if you go in blind.

I dont quite understand what exactly this is supposed to achieve.
Noone in the know will fall for it and everyone else is going to be mad.
Whats the point?

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