Skeletal Warrior Minion bug
Hi there,
3 things weird playing the minion summon build. - In Skills tree, Skeletal Warrior Minion is show 2 times. - It does not show the dps they do. - I put two socket in them, one that boost physical damage reduction they take and the other one that boost elemental damage reduction they take (sorry dont remember the names). Was there for a while and I teleport back to camp to empty inventory and they where gone. Is it only me or I'm just crazy ;) ? Thank you, have a nice day ! Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 10:54:46 AM
I think I've found the problem with the 2 skeleton skills showing in the skill section.
I have it on a septer also... problem solve for this one ! Thanks. |
So I lost my 2 skills gem because I put them in a weapon skills after switching the weapon.
Wonder if there is a way to show in the skills menu that it's from a weapon ? That way I can see it clearly. Exemple: Skeletal Warrior Minion (*from weapon) Because when I got the skill from a gem and also from a weapon, it get confusing to know wich one is from what. Thank you ! |