Don't adjust difficulty.

Don't add a slider. Don't add different tier levels. Just keep doing what you are doing.

Yes, there is some tuning that needs to occur, but this game does not need to be made easier. Just create in game solutions to the challenge that requires the player to get better at the game.

I very much enjoy the OTHER ARPG because of it's simplicity. I am new to POE and I absolutely LOVE this game because it is the opposite of that.

Souls-Like ARPG. You succeeded. Lean into that.

Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 6:40:41 PM
I love the difficulty but I don't see why players who want a more casual experience should be denied the option.
Karma#5423 wrote:
I love the difficulty but I don't see why players who want a more casual experience should be denied the option.

They aren't, there are at least two casual ARPGs out there called Diablo3 and Diablo4 for that.
Tears make streams. Fish live in streams. I like fish.
Hah sure...but seriously though how does it detract from your experience if someone is having a different one?
I guess why not different difficulty levels is the question?
start by forcing everyone to play hardcore ;)

then were at least all talking about the same playing field.

Karma#5423 wrote:
Hah sure...but seriously though how does it detract from your experience if someone is having a different one?

It doesn't at all. But we just entered closed beta, there will be enough time for additional modes after release. Rushing is always terrible.
Tears make streams. Fish live in streams. I like fish.
Oh yeah totally agree
start by forcing everyone to play hardcore ;)

then were at least all talking about the same playing field.

Honestly, I really wish they would bring back HC dropping into SC league like it was in the old days.

Most everyone would at least start HC back then, and just continue in SC league once they died.

They changed it because people were crying that they were flooding the ladder with characters they no longer play, AND flooding the economy with stuff from HC.

Which honestly, made very little sense. All this did was cause more people to play SC and less ppl play HC; resulting in the same situation of more people flooding the economy by farming more in SC.

I always thought that was a cool mechanic that nudged more people to at least TRY HC. It still works for Standard but who cares about standard once leagues start.

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