PoE1 Skill Tree vs PoE2 Skill Tree

The MAIN differences are connectedness/proximity, variety, and density.

I have been going over the PoE2 skill Tree with a fine toothed comb and trimming the fat from it. One thing I have noticed is how much more connected and dense the PoE1 skill tree is. You don't need to spent 18 points to get to the "other side" of the area near your start, as the nodes are all connected. It's maybe 8 points.

Compared to PoE2, where the entire tree is mostly empty space and travel nodes, with watered down notables.

Just open up the PoE1 Skill Tree and then lay it over the PoE2 skill tree. It's insane.

Also, I have removed over 300 nodes that are redundant and useless from the skill tree for PoE2 and it looks so much better. The next thing I plan to do is condense it so it's not so large/wide, and then add interconnectedness between areas, nodes, and clusters. I'll post when done, for now here is the basic changes I've made to it for your viewing pleasure. It is not an artistic expression, I used the Paintbrush tool when connecting the nodes and don't care about straight lines or pretty swirly patterns. https://i.imgur.com/ebh7VGN.png (Here is the actual skill tree for comparison https://i.imgur.com/5RRWX1I.png) Look up the PoE1 Skill tree or open PoB and compare them it's insane. It's almost all empty space.

In PoE1, you're never more than a handful of nodes away from a powerful, useful cluster. In PoE2, on my build at least, it's usually like 16. It's completely garbage.

Most of the notables are sucky and mediocre at best. There are no powerspike moments or hype clusters to rush. It's really a bad tree, and it does not lend itself well towards build customization and specialization. It's the Temu/Wish off brand of the real PoE1 Skill Tree.
~ Seph
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 11:01:35 AM

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