My complains so far

Currency, i feel like orb of alchemy drops are way to rare for what is essentially a campaign currency, to just grab a base you need and make it a rare and hope for something ok.

Flashs, pls add a hybrid flask and make it so we aren't locked into 1 health and 1 mana flask.

Don't know about the atlas maps, but the campaign maps are way to big (like some of them are 3x bigger then any poe campaign map) for the movespeed we got, like i usually spent 3 quarters a 1 hour in 1 map.

Movespeed, like is there any way to get more then the 30% on your boots, ok there is a unique that if you invest alot into it (gives 5% per frenzy charge and the max you can get is 8) you can get 40% movespeed.
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 9:32:53 AM

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