PoE2 Feedback

The respec costs are way too high, they need to be 0 or something that barely affects your wallet. There is no reason for there to be a cost to experimenting or trying to fix a mistake if you happen to mess up, or just get bored and want to try other things.
**This is not a complaint against the difficulty but in the long term play and fun factor.

The body blocking and mob pushback need to be adjusted, it is too severe and fatiguing for long term gameplay and enjoyability, this is not a skill issue, this is a game feel and fun factor issue that hinders some classes/builds in a non-fun way.
**Again not a difficulty issue, a fun factor issue and long term playability enjoyment issue.

The currency and or loot drop rate is too low, having to wear gear thats 10 levels lower than where you are at and then spending 10 minutes on a boss because of low dps is not fun.
**Again this is not a difficulty issue as others thru rng are able to keep up with upgrading their gear and having fun, while others thru getting no currency or loot are not having fun.

Spell targeting is broken, why does the character not aim the spells either with WASD, M&B, Controller where the mobs are or where your cursor is until you initiate a movement command, after which it suddenly fixes itself.
**Again this is not a difficulty issue.

Skills balancing need a lot of work, each class has 1-2 skills that are mandatory because they do all the damage while the rest are a waste of space.
*Again this is not a difficulty issue, this is a lack of diversity in what you can play to be able to be successful issue.

**This is not a complaint against the difficulty of the game itself, which i enjoy as it moves back to the oldschool days, i also play and enjoy the souls games.

This is a complaint against the mechanics and decisions in this game that dampen the fun and long term enjoyment of playing this game that also have no reason to exist.
In its current state i would not rate the game as positively on steam, if the respec costs, lack of currency/gear, broken targeting, skills diversity are resolved then it will be perfect.
Last edited by Vengeancev#6634 on Dec 10, 2024, 8:33:56 AM
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 8:07:39 AM
This game is terrible, because is 95% amazing. The playthough is fun and challenging, but as soon as you get to end game, everything is one death and you're done. This is like game of thrones, great till the end. This has so much potential. Between, the 3rd and 4th trails are impossible, world map is cluttered and confusing. Die, not only do you lose the map key, the map location is useless now. They also, remind you that you failed, with map attempted. Ill come back, when the end game isn't all or nothing.
For example, for me at level 93, respec 1 point cost ~6500 gold.

So 6500x116=754000 gold to respect WHOLE TREE.

Not juiced T15 map get me like 100k gold.
Only increased gold mod, and picking up waystones because rare waystones vendor for 8-10k on average.

Is it really that much to run like 7-8 maps for FULL respec at 90+? Nope

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