my Lootfilter for poe 2
edit patch 0.1.1: filterblade is working now - this is the first attempt at custom colors: It's the semi strict profile - I advice turning things off manually once you do not want to see them any more. original post starts here ------------------------------ If anyone needs a lootfilter here is Neversink: and here is mine: it's a little diy. 1. Go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile 2 2. right click and create a new Text document, name it something like "filter1.txt" 3. open it and copy all the text from the quote into it. 4. save it, close it and rename the filter1.txt file into filter1.filter (if you don't see file endings search the webs how to activate that). 5. open the game and in the settings - game interface it should be there in the pulldown menu. If its not there then the ending isn't correct or the folder is not correct. Please note: If you do not like the colors or sounds please change that yourself. If you run into problems I will not do troubleshooting. I have tried to set it up so the filter helps you and there should be no downsides to using it. This is only there until someone else publishes a better one, like Neversink who is probably working on the website already. There are some things I wish I could highlight but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Socketed items and Flasks for example.
#================================================= # POE 2 - Lootfilter # # This is just a scuffed bandaid filter until Neversink is ready. # shoutout to and their dedicated team # # This filter highlights the valuable items in color # # ! IT DOES NOT HIDE ANYTHING ! # # #================================================= #================================================= # Tutorial on Lootfilter modifications #================================================= # In each line everything behind a # will be ignored by the filter # this way you "comment" or deactivate rules or single lines. # like in this example every line NEEDS to be commented out or the filter would act on it. #this is what a rule looks like: # Show # this means the item described will be shown by the filter and not hidden # Class == "Quest Items" # this is the item class has the names for item classes # #these lines are the colors in RGB code, first number is Red 2nd Green 3rd Blue 4th is the Opacity # SetTextColor 165 228 41 255 # SetBorderColor 165 228 41 255 # SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 # Font Size matters. 40 is BIG I would not go bigger. # 34 is the smalles I would use for items you want to pick up. # 36 and 38 are a nice mid value for items that drop on a regular basis. # SetFontSize 42 # these are flavors, like sound or minimap icons # They are useful for offscreen drops and HIGHLY valuable items # or just to add a feel to the value of a drop # PlayAlertSound 7 200 # MinimapIcon 0 Green Star # PlayEffect Green Temp # if you understand these rules you can look in each cathegory and find special rules for stackable items or tiered items #================================================= # These are some colors I used in PoE 1 #================================================= # light blue 92 120 145 # portal scroll blue 30 50 100 # wisdom scroll brown 144 135 115 # gem dark 13 52 64 # gem bright teal border 28 177 177 # gem text 28 177 177 # socket grey 151 151 151 # quest border 165 228 41 # quest back 0 75 30 # map background 50 40 23 # map yellow 255 222 0 # map red 255 0 0 # map pink 255 0 177 # elder map 23 42 50 255 # blue item 31 70 148 # corrupted vaal border 240 0 0 255 #================================================= # This is where the filter starts #================================================= #================================================= # Quest Items #================================================= Show # QUEST ITEMS Class == "Quest Items" SetTextColor 165 228 41 255 SetBorderColor 165 228 41 255 SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255 PlayAlertSound 7 200 SetFontSize 42 MinimapIcon 0 Green Star PlayEffect Green Temp #================================================= # Maps and Invitations #================================================= Show # Maps High Tier Class == "Waystones" WaystoneTier >= 13 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 0 177 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 177 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 5 200 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 0 Pink Square Show # Maps High Tier Class == "Waystones" WaystoneTier >= 11 WaystoneTier <= 12 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 5 200 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 1 Red Square Show # Maps Midtier Class == "Waystones" WaystoneTier >= 6 WaystoneTier <= 10 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 222 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 222 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 5 200 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Square Show # Maps Entry Level Class == "Waystones" WaystoneTier >= 1 WaystoneTier <= 5 SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 5 200 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Square Show # Simulacrum Class == "Map Fragments" BaseType == "Simulacrum" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 30 50 100 255 SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 1 200 MinimapIcon 0 Blue Square PlayEffect Blue Show # Breachstones Class == "Breachstones" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 117 28 166 255 SetBorderColor 117 28 166 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 1 200 MinimapIcon 0 Purple Square PlayEffect Purple Show # Splinters-High BaseType == "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Chayula" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Crescent Splinter" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 117 28 166 255 SetBorderColor 117 28 166 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 13 200 MinimapIcon 1 Purple Kite PlayEffect Purple Show # Map Fragments Class == "Map Fragments" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 30 50 100 255 SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 6 200 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star Show # Misc Map Items Class == "Misc Map Items" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 30 50 100 255 SetBorderColor 30 50 100 255 SetBackgroundColor 50 40 23 255 PlayAlertSound 6 200 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star # Fragments Show BaseType "Simulacrum" " Tablet" "Breachstone" "Barya" "Ultimatum" " Fragment" "Cowardly Fate" "Deadly Fate" "Victorious Fate" SetTextColor 255 207 255 SetBorderColor 255 207 255 SetBackgroundColor 65 20 80 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Square SetFontSize 40 #================================================= # Gold #================================================= Show # Gold large stack StackSize >= 200 BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 218 116 0 255 PlayEffect Orange Temp MinimapIcon 2 Orange Circle Show # Gold regular stack StackSize >= 80 BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 36 SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 190 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 218 116 0 255 MinimapIcon 1 Orange Circle Show # Gold smol stack BaseType == "Gold" SetFontSize 32 SetTextColor 255 190 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 190 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 218 116 0 255 MinimapIcon 1 Orange Circle #================================================= # Currency # Neversink Copy for the most part #================================================= ## Divine Orb Style Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Mirror" "Divine" "Perfect Jeweller's Orb" SetFontSize 45 SetTextColor 255 0 0 255 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 PlayAlertSound 6 300 PlayEffect Red MinimapIcon 0 Red Star # Currency Tier A: Gemcutter, Annullment Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism" "Orb of Annulment" "Orb of Chance" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 240 90 35 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Circle SetFontSize 40 # Currency Tier B: Vaal, Chaos, Exalt, Exotic Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Vaal Orb" "Greater Jeweller's Orb" "Chaos Orb" "Lesser Jeweller's Orb" "Exotic" "Exalted Orb" "Regal Orb" "Artificer's Orb" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Orb of Alchemy" SetTextColor 255 207 132 SetBorderColor 255 207 132 SetBackgroundColor 76 51 12 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Circle SetFontSize 40 Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Distilled" "Catalyst" "Essence of" "Omen of" SetTextColor 255 207 132 SetBorderColor 255 207 132 SetBackgroundColor 76 51 12 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect White MinimapIcon 1 White Circle # Currency Tier C: Vaal, Chaos, Exalt, Exotic Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Arcanist's Etcher" "Armourer's Scrap" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Orb of Augmentation" "Orb of Transmutation" "Regal Shard" SetTextColor 255 207 132 SetBorderColor 255 207 132 SetBackgroundColor 92 120 145 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Simulacrum Splinter" "Breach Splinter" " Artifact" SetTextColor 255 207 132 SetBorderColor 255 207 132 MinimapIcon 2 Grey Circle Show # CURRENCY - SCROLL OF WISDOM BaseType == "Scroll of Wisdom" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 144 135 115 255 SetFontSize 32 Show Class "Currency" BaseType "Wisdom" "Shard" # Unknown currency catchall in case we missed fragmented mirror shard particle dust Show Class "Currency" SetTextColor 255 0 177 SetBorderColor 255 0 177 SetBackgroundColor 144 135 115 255 PlayAlertSound 2 300 PlayEffect Pink MinimapIcon 1 White Circle #-------------------------- # Gems #-------------------------- Show # Uncut SPIRIT BaseType == "Uncut Spirit Gem" SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 28 177 177 255 SetBorderColor 28 177 177 255 SetBackgroundColor 13 52 64 255 PlayEffect Green PlayAlertSound 10 200 MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle Show # Uncut BaseType == "Uncut Skill Gem" "Uncut Support Gem" SetFontSize 38 SetTextColor 28 177 177 255 SetBorderColor 28 177 177 255 SetBackgroundColor 13 52 64 255 PlayEffect Green PlayAlertSound 10 200 MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle Show # Gems Class == "Skill Gems" "Support Gems" SetFontSize 38 SetTextColor 28 177 177 255 SetBorderColor 28 177 177 255 SetBackgroundColor 13 52 64 255 PlayEffect Green PlayAlertSound 10 200 MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle #-------------------------- # Socketables and Special Character Equipment #-------------------------- # Special A Tier - League specific socketables and jewels Show BaseType "Soul Core" "Timeless" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 70 140 SetFontSize 40 MinimapIcon 2 Cyan Triangle PlayEffect Cyan # Special A Tier - Sanctum Relics Show Class "Relic" SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 180 70 140 SetFontSize 40 MinimapIcon 2 Cyan Triangle PlayEffect Cyan # Special A Tier - Rare Jewels Show Class "Jewel" Rarity Rare SetTextColor 255 250 43 255 SetBorderColor 255 250 43 255 SetBackgroundColor 45 80 70 255 SetFontSize 40 MinimapIcon 2 Cyan Triangle PlayEffect Cyan # Special B Tier - Any Jewels Show Class "Jewel" Rarity Magic SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 33 49 143 255 SetFontSize 40 PlayEffect Cyan Temp # Special B Tier - Any Runes and Charms Show BaseType " Rune" " Charm" SetTextColor 0 240 200 SetBackgroundColor 190 20 140 255 PlayEffect Cyan Temp #-------------------------- # Items Uniques Rares Magic Normal #-------------------------- Show # Uniques Rarity Unique SetFontSize 42 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 24 90 100 255 PlayAlertSound 1 300 PlayEffect Brown MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star Show # Rares Rarity Rare SetFontSize 38 SetTextColor 255 250 43 255 SetBorderColor 255 250 43 255 SetBackgroundColor 45 80 70 255 MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond Show # Magic Rarity Magic SetFontSize 36 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 33 49 143 255 Show # Normal Rarity Normal SetFontSize 35 SetTextColor 207 207 207 #-------------------------- # Value Rares #-------------------------- Show Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts" Rarity Rare SetFontSize 40 SetTextColor 255 250 43 255 SetBorderColor 255 250 43 255 SetBackgroundColor 45 80 70 255 PlayEffect Yellow MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond #-------------------------- # Rings, Amulets, Belts #-------------------------- Show Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts" Rarity Normal SetFontSize 38 Show Class "Rings" "Amulets" "Belts" Rarity Magic SetFontSize 38 #flasks dont work Show Class "Flask" Rarity <= Magic SetFontSize 32 SetTextColor 255 255 255 255 SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 SetBackgroundColor 130 75 75 255 Show # SAFETY ALL NON-FILTERED ITEMS SetFontSize 45 Last edited by JeansJoe#2224 on Jan 12, 2025, 8:04:40 PM Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 1:35:25 PM
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Where did you find the new directives (like WaystoneTier)?
Have you figured out how to filter for Tiered unidentified items? |
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Afaik tiers do not work at all atm. These are poe1 directives that the filter just doesn't execute.
Could be that a future patch will either act on them or it will break the filter. Same goes for flasks. It would be nice to highlight the highest flask you can find in an area, but that's just too much work atm. If it even would work to filter with area level then you would have to make single rules for every unique flask name. It is early access. Atm I am just glad that most items can be filtered. It doesn't need to be perfect yet. Tiers do not work for gems as far as I know. It only recognizes the name of the gem, and that has no tier in it. So filtering unid tiers wouldn't work as well. |
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Socketed items and Flasks for example. ~
I got you fam. " Also useful " Here is a link about item filters. The generalized rules apply in POE2, and that's how I cobbled mine together. Some things are similar, some things don't work because they don't exist. GemLevel for example doesn't apply to POE2, so it's not valid. You can filter things by height to avoid things that are 4 tall and only get things that are Height < 4 which allows 3 top, 2 bottom stacking. Also Width if you'd like to only pick up things that are 1 wide, for say socketed items where width = 1, then it minimizes the space. Since you can't currently salvage quality flasks, you may want to remove them from your filter for flasks that I've shown, so you can "continue" at the end of a filter to continue to process other filters, and you could simply hide quality > 0 and BaseType = "Life Flask" "Mana Flask" with Rarity = "Normal" Eitherway, the link here will explain to you the majority of options, and you can infer the rest yourself by throwing the object on the ground and mousing over it. You can use the text that shows up minus any prefix as a basetype/class generally speaking (Copper "KEY", Silver "Key", Gold "Key", Ultimate "Life Flask", Ultimate "Mana Flask" etc.) I was actually having trouble with getting "Jewel" to show up with my filter, but hadn't tried class. Because I was hiding "Magic" items, it was hiding magic jewels despite having a rule above it that said BaseType = "Jewel" to show, it was still hiding it. So thanks for reminding me to consider class. a more in depth guide can be found Last edited by ProgrammerInTraining#6860 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:26:34 PM
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So there is a "MapTier" 1-17 option in POE1, so I checked WaystoneTier and it's valid. It takes a numeric value. However I threw an item with (Tier 2) at the end of the unidentified bit and 0 would change the color, but even at 1 it would not change the color. I'm unsure if tier 2 (as it's the first tier that produces an output in the mouseover) starts at 0=2, 1=3, 2=4 etc. I don't have one that specified Tier 3 at this time. So I'm unable to verify, only that WaystoneTier is a valid entry and it takes a numeric value and accept the other numeric operators.
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did you ever find out how to filter gem tiers? because they drop way too many its quite distracting.
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Can likely just use the level to determine tier of gemstones. Since they have support gems with levels 1 2 and 3 etc.
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