POE2 Trials and Honor

the honor system is genuinely horrible. It completely disregards any tank, bruiser build in favor of evasion builds. it would be mush more enjoyable for all builds imo if they removed the honor system entirely
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 5:51:12 PM
I like that they tried to make it more than just another map to kill things but yea the mechanic itself is ass; I applaud trying something though. I hope they keep trying other mechanics.
I love poe2 it has so many good things, many things need to have a few adjustments but I have confidence in the team that they will balance the game and push in the right direction and make it an 10/10 game but F*CKING HELL remove honor from this game and rework it, make it so that evasion and melee are in the calculation with how much honor u get or throw the concept in the thrash.

It is so unbelievable frustrating, I am already doing mapping, I have a far higher lvl then required, even with all the buffs for honor you can throw in the beginning it doesn't matter, I tried to switch it up and use a bow but i do so little dmg that i had no chance, I would have to completely rework my passive skill tree for around 200k-400k just so that after the trial I need to throw another 200k-400k so that I can play again.

I am really sorry for the rant but i tried and tried and it doesn't matter how careful I play it's impossible to do the trials without bashing my head against the wall.

I would rather do the trials of chaos, which in itself is annoying & frustrating because skill is not required only luck and Bahlak the Sky Seer needs a rework with his animation before using his tornado, the animation is to short and there is no sound.

I can't even complete the first trial. The Honor system is awful.
Everything about the Trials is long winded and extremely punishing.

Challenge is not the same as punishment and a lot of POE2 defenders seem to think that if you remove some of the punishment you remove the challenge.

If for example you could still complete the trial with 0 honor and not get any chest loot but could still complete your ascendancy then that is a fair enough trade-off. The challenge of not dying remains but the loss of loot is the punishment.

Repeating the entire thing because some mobs fireball decided to remove 800 Honor is not fun for anybody.
I dont even know what to say. You come up with this after 10+ year of arpg design experience? I mean it is fine to have different mechanics punishing different builds and playstyles, but this is just mandatory for everyone, and you decide to totally punish people for being melee and/or not stacking evasion?

there is enough challenge there already, especially as 3rd or 4th trial it takes large amount of time, and instead of feeling rewarding, you have a constant fear of rng ruining your run with those afflictions

people did not like labyrinth (I did) but you expect them to like this? with much more time invested? with much higher chance to fail? with rng being able to end your run any time? with poor rewards?
IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
my first feedback:

I hate trials. The worst part of the game.

How can I have honour if my build is focusing on evasion?

Trials aren't fun at all.

I hate doing one level now I have to do 3 to get my 3rd ascendency?
this is so BS.

even running higher than 60 level, it's too tiring, and not rewarding and if I die because I have low honour because my build doesn't have ES, I'm screwed and have to restart it.

Sometimes I regret buying an expensive supporter pack. I don't see playing this game for so long with this mechanic
another BS,
now I've got to go back to farming Map tier 1 to find a new key for another trial run.

This is so disgusting and doesn't respect my time.

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