My Current Issues List with PoE2

My thoughts on PoE2 after playing Monk Single player and Multiplayer experience thus far after 43 hours of play time (Currently in Act 3, played through act 1 and 2 multiple times helping friends):

1. Base movement speed needs to be increased by at least 5-15% it is way to slow, with at least a bit more common boots that roll with increased movement speed on them I've found one in all 40+ hours of playing.

2. Multiplayer player: Collision should to be removed. I have come across way too many instances where many of these maps are thin corridors I walk into a room as melee and my friend steps in behind me and immediately brings me back to D2 Act 2 Maggot lair where you cannot move past your friend because character blocked. Cannot roll through them either...

3. Multiplayer: Resurrect at checkpoint (When not fighting bosses) I get there are mini boss areas etc. in the game. Just like bosses, they already mostly have an arena, make an arena in which you can block them off just like actual bosses and if you die resurrect at checkpoint and refill the bosses HP I get it it's made to be hard, but dying to a random mob and having to wait for your ally to resurrect you is just annoying and takes you out of the game. Alternatively there are instances where your ally dies, and you cannot get their body because they died in an inaccessible are. If you go back to town to allow him to revive he revives in his OWN instance and he cannot rejoin you because it states "You cannot rejoin an instance you died in" (which is ridiculous) so we have to all leave to remake the party just to slog through an area again. It's not difficult it's annoying:

Example: Act 3 Temple of Kopec. You walk into the light fighting creatures you lose life and think it's a monster ability you die not knowing it was the light instead. My buddy did not realize and died in the light. We cannot get him because his body is in the light and it'll take way to long to resurrect him. We left the area so he can be revived at checkpoint and he's no longer in our instance, thus we have to all leave party disband it to recreate it....

4. Multiplayer: Reviving players. Reviving players imo needs to be a couple seconds shorter it's way too long at the current state and takes you out of the game (imo)

5. Movement and using abilities[at least with monk] (single player and multiplayer): as I mentioned before it's very slow, but also I have noticed activating skills or using my dash to enemy ability e.g. the palm ability, My character dashes over then the camera slowly hovers over I already make it there that should be instant because now I'm a 0.5 - 1 seconds without knowledge of the area I'm around and that can be life or death I have died to off screen shots from arrows or projectiles especially in the manor from this. And no it's not just me blindly clicking on an enemy that I see on the edge of the map, it's me chasing down an enemy that has the same movement speed or faster because I can't catch it and it's a ranged enemy.

6. When you die do not reset map... Imagine dying to a boss (Hyena in act 2 to be specific) it drops loot, you walk over to pickup said loot, get rained on by the hyena's from above not knowing they will drop down. You die you don't get your loot and the map is reset. How am I supposed to feel any sort of satisfaction. Or you die to a random hit in the wild while picking up loot and map reset you lose the item... It not only slows down your progress but also demoralizes you for doing something that you have to do to get better which is looting... Boss resets are fine that's no problem.

7. Loot in itself. Much of the loot (and yes I've been tinkering with crafting using exalts transmutation regals etc. to craft items as well again my experience with Monk) is more or less useless I'd say in all 40+ hours between me and my friends I have swapped weapons maybe 3 times because the loot is just not good. Whites with no basic attribute yes superiors are okay sometimes. E.g. finding a Quarter Staff with fire damage. I looked through the passive tree and skill gems, Monk (Too my knowledge) only does lightning, cold and chaos. Why does there need to be a fire only staff?? Crafting items also yield very little rewards in crafting it's more or less always the same roll.

8. Support Gems (AGAIN yes for monk) they really feel after level 1 gems level 2 at least mostly feel useless even after finding socket jewels to increase the amount of sockets you can put in your gems at least for my current playthrough. They don't synergize well I was thinking maybe hey a cold can synergize with lightning etc. etc. or lightning when it says higher chance to shock it actually does, which to my testing at least doesn't really feel like it and I have to play with my sorc friend who's fire ice and lightning to really get shocked enemies.

9. Monster scaling. Lets say Act 3 for example. You go from the easy to kill sands at the entrance to the crazy damage in the jungle after you leave town it feels like it doesn't feel organic I can elaborate more on this. But I think it's easy to understand.

These are some of the major gripes and issues I'm finding with the game thus far through my play experience.
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2024, 8:57:33 AM

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