Feedback for GGG

I provide this feedback to GGG not the neckbeard white knights on the forum. This feedback is designed to communicate my problems with the current design that require fixes if GGG wants me as a customer. Maybe they don't and if so fine, Last Epoch, D4, and POE 1 exist.

The Good
The server stability was great starting Saturday morning (EST USA).

The game itself also seemed very stable with 0 crashes.

The art and music are fantastic.

The Bad
There is no loot in this loot game.

There are no crafting materials in this loot game. I think i got 1 alc, 2 exalts, a 4 regal fragments through level 18.

Access to gems and supports feels weirdly lacking. After 10 hours of gameplay, my skill loadout is exactly the same as after the first 30 minutes.

Gold drops are very low relative to the items forsale at the vendors. As I leveled the prices went up faster than the gold I accumulated, so vendors were useless to me. I think I bought 1 white wand total.

The Ugly
The boss fights were all strangely boring and sphincter clenching at the same time.

Boss fights took forever where even a single missed roll meant failure.

Mouse and keyboard movement feels bad. I'm not sure but it feels like there's 0.5 second delay between button clicks or mouse clicks before the game would recognize and respond.

The final act 1 boss requires more dps than my character can generate, even after hours of farming the previous 3 zones. This killed the story progression and flow of the game.

Recommendations from a Pleb (Not a game dev)

More loot and crafting materials have to drop at low level. Make it taper down as we approach endgame, but the beginning play should be fun, engaging, and quickly draw us in while teaching the systems. It should not feel punishing in the first couple hours.

The technical fix for input lag has to be implemented. The gameplay just feels bad at the moment and if everything else were fixed this would still prevent me from playing POE2. For the record, I do not want to use a controller or WASD to control my character, though I'm glad other people seem to like this.

Maybe with these 2 items fixed, the boss fights solve themselves, I dunno. I'm willing to reevaluate in the future.

Half the fun of these games is tinkering with character load outs to overcome the challenges. We need access to things to tinker with!! It's not OK for nothing to drop for 10 plus levels at the start of the game.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll be reading patch notes to see where this game goes. I hope its somewhere that I want to go and explore this cool new game.


Last bumped on Dec 7, 2024, 11:36:31 PM

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