List of what has to be solve in poe2

This thread was made to improve the poe2 experience.

1 Dodge roll isnt a movement skill...
Fix: Make it so we can go around minions without getting stuck in them (body block)

2 Calibrate our damage. At this time dps feels like poe with 1 link gem.
Fix: Give us something anything could help this matter

3 While in campain when you die all monsters spawn back... This feels like some ruthless from poe1...
Fix: Dont make them spawn back in campain unless you refesh the zone?

4- Gems and gem supports are making things very limited witch wasnt a problem in poe 1 i dont know why now it came to this much limitation. Alot of gems are lock with specific weapons, and a lot of support gems arent available untill reaching pretty high level. Making campain painful...

Overall, in my opinion the game came out way to difficult for a first release resulting in people not enjoying their experience at best they could. Even i with at least 6-7k hours poe1 sometimes it feel like droping off after dying 7-8 times from the same boss (when im 4 level over with decent hit pool) its just ridiculus how tune up this is... Fix: Make a hard version for people who complain about too easy completion?

Best regard exiles.
Last bumped on Dec 7, 2024, 8:02:54 AM

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