PoE 2 - I hate trial of the sekhemeas so much

I plan to do a more detailed feedback post of my experience with the game so far, but I wanted to at least leave this one:

I hate trial of the sekhemas so much. I hated sanctum league and avoided the mechanic in future leagues. I'm trying to do this literal dogsh*t. The boss has mechanics that don't seem interested in killing you, but seem interested in chunking down your honor. I hate the honor system so much. My most used "skill" is dodge roll, yet the boss spawns volcanoes everywhere.

My build has a lot of life regen, which is worth about bugger all with the stupid honor system.

I want my demon form morph... so if I am bad at sanctum, I have to wait until act 3 for ascendancy?

I'm certain people will flame me for this post. But I am leaving the feedback nonetheless: I goddamn hate trial of the sekhemas! I hate sanctum league mechanics!
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 6:34:57 PM
I agree, but i get why its there for a challenge.

I particularly enjoy playing build types that are terrible at sanctum. im just going to wait till i have enough dps to kill the last boss easily. last night i spent about 10 minutes on him before i ran out of honor.
Absolutely hate Sanctum as well, was disappointed to find out it was a lab trial option. My only complaint so far, perfect game otherwise
My conspiracy theory is that they want us to stop complaining about lab.
Last edited by roundishcap#0649 on Dec 29, 2024, 6:41:28 PM
the old lab is thematically unique and fleshed out like a core feature should be, while this new version feels like a league mechanic.
Agree 100%
Was never a fan of Sanctum myself and actively avoided it. Too bad.
the honour system is terrible
-_- I HATED sanctum and having a full floor run as a required trial at low level is now my least favorite part of PoE 2. Who the hell wants to have a specific build and focused gear just to ascend? and when you die at the boss its a LOOOOONG repeated attempt.

I hate Sanctum so I'm scared about this.

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