Known Issues

Known Issues

These PoE2 Early Access problems are currently being investigated and we'll be trying to get them fixed as soon as we can.

High priority issues:

  • Some players experiencing crashes when using DirectX 12 Renderer.
  • Situations where the Atlas can be in a bricked state with no access to maps. You can use the "/resetatlas" chat command when in this state if necessary.
  • Some Map bosses can prevent leaving the arena after the boss is defeated.
  • Ascent to Power quest text in Cruel Act 2 is misleading.
  • Some cases where skill counters and ammunition totals are reset when using flasks.
  • Trial of Chaos encounters can break if elevators are bypassed with travel skills.
  • Lingering Illusion stops working if spirit cost is modified by supports.

If a bug you're experiencing isn't on this list it doesn't mean we're not aware and looking into it, this is just a list of common and important problems. Any other issues please make a bug report or respond to another thread if it looks to be the same problem, thanks.

Recently Fixed
  • Passive Skill Tree Panel Int/Dex/Str attribute totals mixed up and displaying incorrectly (visual bug only) on Console and Gamepad.
  • Cases where some players experience crashes related to Multithreading and have to restart their PCs. This seems to mostly be for players with the Windows 24H2 update.
  • Blood Mage Gore Spike not visually updating Critical Damage values
  • Situations where players lose quest items and become unable to acquire them again.
  • Characters losing access to endgame maps and the map device when being migrated out of Solo Self-Found.
  • Monsters not granting experience when they die while they still have Energy Shield such as with Gas Arrow or Corpsewade.
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Last edited by Arthur_GGG#0000 on Mar 10, 2025, 7:33:42 PM
Last bumped on Dec 6, 2024, 8:26:48 PM

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