The Real Question is... Will Servers Blue Screen?

I do not think they know just how many people will be logging in on day 1...

I predict Friday release will happen, and then we all sit in Q for 8 hours trying to get in, only for the Q to restart us over and over. If you DO manage to get in, you will Disconnect randomly and get thrown back into the Q.

Oh wait, this Aint Blizzard...
Last bumped on Dec 6, 2024, 3:30:41 AM
Normal game will be avible sunday or saturday maybe monday and severs will have crashes even rollbacks but streamers will be play normaly.
given that there's 8.2k ppl in queue ahead of me on the DC server, yeah, its not gonna be playable until monday imo.
yeah of course they will
This is what happens when you play free games.
Considiering nobody runs servers that need to scale hard on Windows, there won't be any bluescreen at all, no.
Someone shake a magic 8 ball.
I've got a six and half hour podcast to listen to while I'm queue. I'm all set.

And if I'm still in queue after that... well, there are drops, so we'll see what the PoE2 streamers are up to. Ya gotta plan for dose contingencies, y'know.
The artist formerly known as Waitubold. Taking the Lord's name in vain since birth, basically.
So there's already been a patch, I downloaded weird 60 or 600 MBs, and it reset the queue so don't keep you breath for getting anywhere by queueing so soon. And they might just do it intentionally, because this is not part of the predownload just an artifact I guess.

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