VOTE Path of Exile in Steam Awards! / VOTA Path of Exile en Steam Awards!
[EN] Hello, I hope you been enjoying your gaming session. Please guys, if you like the game do not forget to vote for Path of Exile in Steam Awards, Category: Labor of Love Awards, as a gesture of appreciation for the team's hard work in developing this amazing game. Good luck everyone! [ES] Hola, Espero que estén disfrutando el jueguito. Por favor, si lo creen merecedor, no olviden votar por Path of Exile en los Steam Awards, Categoria : Labor of Love Awards, como gesto de aprecio a los chicos por su duro y detallado trabajo desarrollando este hermoso juego. Buena suerte! Nico Last bumped on Dec 1, 2024, 2:10:02 PM
Done! Thanks for the reminder.
The artist formerly known as Waitubold. Taking the Lord's name in vain since birth, basically.