Map bots done right:
Can't believe they fucked up so hard with something so easy.
So what's the initial state or map workers? They can't do shit. Everything kills them. Even t5 or t7 workers, who anyone with a logical scaling approach would assume to be able to clear a t1 white map with ease, nope they fucking die. It's a fucking joke how you need 4x t99 mappers to clear one rare t5 map, still with a 99% death rate. Absolute fucking dumbest meme shit ever. Like some dev was fired and he fucked up the values before leaving chuckling "hahaha fuck you all" Here's how it should have been if done correctly: - no death chance! mappers can not die! - you unlock the map device and mappers, they are t1, and can do white maps. - the more iiq/iir on the maps, the harder it is, the higher the rewards and chance to fail So workers have "power level" values, if they are way below the "map power level" (tier/iiq/iir) the higher the risk of dying. When a worker dies, one of 6 portals is consumed. No more portals = workers finish the map and say "job done" and you can take the loot, if there's any. So a map is split into a grid which workers progress or "eat through", let's say a 10x10 grid with 100 blocks. Basically you can throw t1 workers into a t15 map, and you guessed it, they will all die 6 times, unable to clear 1/100 blocks, and return with no loot. They just come back and cry "yea boss we just got one shotted 6 times, that was it". Similar to the shipping risk bar sliding up and down, the maps should have a visual "power up" gauge meter, a spiral frame around them showing how high the risk is. If it's low green it's a 99% chance of full completion, full red 1% success etc. Also lower mappers clear slower. So now that map bots are immortal, we can do some cool shit with them and gear them up! Find any neat rares or mid uniques but don't wanna throw them away just yet, maybe sell them later, or use them on alts? Hold on, just slap them on the map bots, and watch their power level and stats go up. Then you just upgrade and hire higher tier mappers, a cost sink, so you can more efficiently, in less time, and with higher reward yield, start to have them run certain overflow maps for you. SO SIMPLE SO GOOD That's how it should have been... The gold sink is in the maps, they cost chaos, they gotta come from somewhere, and to run them on bots, you need to upgrade them first which costs a lot of gold to upgrade the town and reroll workers and pay their wages... It's all there, it's so natural. There's absolutely no reason to have something so stupid and pointless as having mappers DIE. Like holy shit wtf even who the fuck thought that was a good idea jesus fucking christ man can't get any more pissed than someone wasting my already limited precious time like this. Last bumped on Sep 26, 2024, 9:47:01 AM