Timeless Jewel bug with Magmatic Strike.
I placed an Elegant Hubris by Eternal Youth and allocated the node where Magmatic Strike would be as you can see here.
Despite that, I still gain the buff as you can see here. My friend suggested it would be a visual bug so I removed my brutality support as shown here. And for further proof and evidence, shown here. I have tested it with other Elegant Hubris' and the bug persists. This means other Caspiro ones, as well as Cadiro and Victario. Here's the build in pobb.in format: https://pobb.in/LB4-CvgpoGE4 Maybe it's a bug relating to using impossible escape but that's just a speculation or maybe because it's a sort of pendulum effect since I'm not gaining the life regen, or the extra attributes that were also allocated. Last bumped on Sep 19, 2024, 6:40:04 AM