Stability, connectivity, and load times

I have jumped through every hoop I can think of on my side to resolve this issue. I have had improved results, however there is still a very noticeable issue with connectivity, stability, and load times.

Deleted Game
Cleared Cache
Rebuilt Database
Cleared and restored licenses
Changed PS5's DNS ports to Cloudflare's []
Tried various MTU amounts, all under 1500
Optimized modem, LAN connect @ 500mpbs up and 25mbps down
Re-downloaded the game

This has ALL been done atleast 3 times since 3.25.1 went live.

I seem to be having a better experience than many based on the constant issues spoken of in chat and here in the forums, but it is in stark contrast to how this game has played before. I am not able to play in a group. Any maps played with any kind of juiced mechanics, I can expect a crash 50% of the time. These soft crashes take you back to the login screen, not allowing any kind of report to be created through the crash report.

I was not expecting the game to break more than it did on leaguestart. As I have been enjoying the league, in good faith, I purchased some mtx. I can say with certainty that I am not alone in holding off on even considering any other purchases until this issue has been addressed. The treatment of console players (or lack there of) has not gone unnoticed by the community as a whole. Unfortunately this is a very bad look to any PoE newcomers, anyone considering PoE2, and especially to those dedicated historical players who CHOOSE to play and pay for mtx. Console players already knew we were thought of as 3rd class citizens, and though our voices are not heard, our dollars and pounds may be missed.

Bug report # 2386942765
Last edited by pandaman1012 on Aug 25, 2024, 10:33:54 AM
Last bumped on Aug 25, 2024, 10:22:33 AM
Unfortunately you speak to a wall, GGG actualy does not care for console players for there is no way (for PS store at least) to refund a broken game. Me personaly spent enough money for this kinda game company and i am not going to spend any money for POE2, as for now they have to earn my respect first. The point is i do not expect much, but if they promised something they have to accomplish their promises first. But these are dreams, modern game development is in a very miserable state and GGG is simply a next game company going down chasing some distant goals.
Unfortunately you speak to a wall, GGG actualy does not care for console players for there is no way (for PS store at least) to refund a broken game. Me personaly spent enough money for this kinda game company and i am not going to spend any money for POE2, as for now they have to earn my respect first. The point is i do not expect much, but if they promised something they have to accomplish their promises first. But these are dreams, modern game development is in a very miserable state and GGG is simply a next game company going down chasing some distant goals.

All we can do is our best, and hope they reciprocate. As mentioned, at a certain point gamers will move on and or atleast stop picking up MTX.

The game is requiring at minimum clearing the cache once a day in order to have a somewhat decent play time of a few hours if you're lucky. After which the issues start to pile up again to an uplayable state. Crashing again while walking through Kingsmarch or my hideout.

For posterity new bug report number is 520714894
Definitely really poor server/game performance this league, and definitely worse after the most recent patch (the .1 patch, IIRC).

I will often get HUGE lag spikes followed by DC when doing anything that instantly changes the status of a large number of monsters at once, such as clicking on a shrine or opening a strongbox.

Problems are worse during daytime hours, which leads me to believe that at least part of the problem is either server or connectivity related. Do note, GGG, that when I say "connectivity related" I don't mean that my internet is causing the problem, I mean that the game or server is not properly handing a high latency/slow internet connection. I've been playing on this crappy connection for YEARS, and it never used to do this specific behavior.

I suspect the game is somehow multiplying the data either to or from the server in situations like this, resulting an unreasonable (and unintended, I hope), number of packets.

If I were being paid to work on the problem, I'd some network traffic inspection of those situations.

It is, of course, also possible that the problem has nothing to do with network at all, and is a resource issue on either the server, client, or both. CPU, memory, storage, GPU, etc.

It would be super duper awesome to hear GGG at least acknowledge that you've heard our complaints, and are looking into it? You *are* looking into it, right?
Just have suffered same problems even further, in the party play ( yes, it exists).Guess what happen every map while we just engage ANY mechanic? Ofc we got dc 1 by 1, and while it happen we have to wait around what? 3-5 minutes? YEP, each dc, then we engage another mechanic and its the same, so we run around 15 maps together( just with the party of 4) and cant complete any of that maps even at 50%m, dc/crush/wait5min/dc/crush, im not even talking about blur and no animations of mobs/bosses( i see just hp bars of some mobs when i attack them), im not talking about delayes and fps issues and some other quality of that game, we literally cant play, even solo playing , if we put a little juice or have a good busted map with 8 mobs with great pack size , guess what? right, we have dc , unexpected disconnection aqquired, smth like that, and i know, alot ppl have same problems, fix it and answer to your players.
I have exactly the same problems on gameplay.Lagspikes,disconnections,graphics problem in every map.After patch this game is unplayable and none is doing anything.They don't care if we cannot play the game.No fix or patch,no answer to our problem.I don't understand why this page and forum exist if they are ignoring us?
No fix or patch,no answer to our problem.I don't understand why this page and forum exist if they are ignoring us?

Definitely sounds like an opportunity. Whether that's an opportunity for someone to save their job and address the problem, or an opportunity to continue to see the glaring problem with the treatment of console players and maybe some roles need to be adjusted. At this point it feels like we need to take some kind of outside action to make sure our message is even getting anywhere.

Unfortunately I have noticed streamers playing on PC mention server issues. I fear this is causing data loss via memory leak for console players. After enough playtime the local storage client becomes de-synced from the server client, causing the escalating symptoms; textures failing to load, invisible ground/monster/character/ability interactions, extremely long load times, rubberband play, and soft crashes back to the titles screen, but never triggering a crash report.

Clearing the cache helps for a time, but eventually deeper corruption seems to cause issues like custom loot filters not working, revealed map resetting when leaving any area, or more hard crashes when large mob packs spawn on screen for mechanics like harvest, legion, and even breach sometimes. The only fix, again temporary, is deleting the game, clearing the cache, and downloading again. After more playtime the issues pile up again.

The amount of data used to try and stay playable is inaccessible to many, and undesirable to all.

This absolutely needs to be fixed.

Hi all.
We do monitor threads on this forum, as well as have separate monitoring tools for crashes and problems going on. Please make new threads for specific issues and apologies if we can't get around to responding to them all - we do try our best to triage them appropriately.

Please only try to self-resolve after following the bug report process

After reading this response to asking if GGG monitors these threads, and now the thread is closed, it seems anytime you have an issue you must type /bug, get the bug report number, and CREATE A NEW THREAD HERE WITH THE BUG REPORT NUMBER.

Please only try to self-resolve after following the bug report process.
The crashing is happening even more now after the last patch
Hi all.
Sorry about the late reply here.
During the 3.25.0 launch we encountered several shader related issues specifically on PS4 and last week's patch was supposed to address them.
Unfortunately the fix invalidated a lot of existing shaders which resulted in degraded performance for people that had a lot of old/invalidated shaders. This should not have been a big problem but at the same time our shader distribution servers encountered unforeseen difficulties which made the original issue worse. The issue was resolved several days ago.

If you do not encounter any severe shader issues like fully invisible maps, you should not need to clear the cache on your console. The more you play the more new shaders you’ll accumulate.

Sorry about the lack of communication during this period.

This is the last response to any related post.

They also removed connectivity and stability issues as a known issue for psn users.

As every console player knows, this is complete and utter rubbish.
Last edited by pandaman1012 on Aug 25, 2024, 10:35:05 AM

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