Maven invisible walls and rubberband


I encountered a invisible wall during a maven boss fight.
This made it very hard to do the memory game as I could only go counter clockwise because of the wall.

Additionally there were alot of desyncing in the fight.

I found a video on youtube where a player is encountering the same issues.

Hope you can fix this fast.

Last bumped on Jan 18, 2025, 4:27:23 PM
I just had the same problem! Impossible to do the memory game when 50% of the arena was blocked off. I think the reason was because of a certain boss, the bear one, that puts up purple plants as walls. These walls do not seem to go away ones Maven changes phases.
+1. Happened twice already to me as well. Invited other friends inside to check (without me being there) and they both confirmed it is some sort of invisible wall AND the character is stuttering when trying to pass along the bottom side of the arena. It happens only in the last phase with the lasers. The top side seems to be fine...
Still happening. Purple Harvest bear boss might be the culprit. It broke the instance so that eventually all projectiles became invisible.
ah ha, the invisible harvest beast walls... Can confirm this is still an issue in 2025

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