Blight remains to be one of the worst Tower Defense games I've ever played.
As someone who often plays TD games and PoE off-and-on, the idea of a tower defense mode in PoE sounds fantastic, but every time I return to PoE and play Blight I am often aggravated by how its unnecessary unique mechanics absolutely ruin the entire idea, fairness, strategy, and fun of TD.
First and foremost, Blight is the only tower defense game I've ever played that has RANDOMLY CHANGING AND MULTIPLYING PATHS DURING ACTIVE WAVES. No other TD game I've played has this, and for good reason. It ruins strategy with RNG. The most optimal tower placements in the world won't matter when midway through an active wave new paths and spawners are randomly created that bypass all of them, often with an extremely short path to the pump too. This causes the mission to randomly fail even when it feels like you're doing well, because a new spawner and path will form right next to the pump while you're busy fighting and building. I imagine how this mechanic would feel if it were in other TD games and it'd be completely busted, unfun, and unfair too. To make matters worse, the paths or roots will often spawn on top of or across each other, creating a massive tangled mess of spaghetti paths that are impossible to tell where they individually are, how many there are, and which way they go. Again, NO OTHER TD GAME DOES THIS. Every TD game has very easily distinguishable paths and makes it very clear which way enemies move on them, except Blight. My most recent Blight encounter had formed a root that went through the pump, and with no tower placements between the pump and the spawner, so I couldn't tell if enemies at the pump were travelling along that root or were attacking the pump. I fail to see how these mechanics unique to Blight are needed at all too. Their only function seems to be a luck-based game ender and make it obscenely chaotic. The only time Blight feels fun for me is when the paths and spawners do not randomly change, like in real TD games, but that's very rare. Please, just keep paths completely static once enemies start pouring in. Or pause waves to change paths and add new spawning locations, like tried-and-true TD games do. I feel these will make the mode 1000% more fun to play. Last edited by Dbri#3104 on Aug 5, 2024, 8:38:03 AM Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 8:10:26 AM
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