Blight Scarab of Blooming not working!

The "Blight Scarab of Blooming" reads as follows:
Blight Encounters in Area have up to 3 additional Unique Bosses. Unique enemies in Blight Encounters have 100% increased life. Tier 14+ Blighted Maps found in Area drop as Blight-Ravaged Maps instead

While it worked fine for some time it stopped working the last two maps I ran with it. I ran two T16 Defiled Cathedral. One dropped 2 "Blighted Defiled Cathedral" (T16) Maps from a "Map"-Cyst that didn't convert and the second one dropped one "Blighted Cursed Crypt" (T16) Map from a "Blight"-Cyst that didn't convert either. As you can see in the image

Update: The next "Cyst" dropped a "Blighted Coves" (T14), which got converted. (alternativ img url).

Last edited by UNICORN_PRlNCESS#4614 on Jul 30, 2024, 5:11:51 PM
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 8:07:20 PM
Same here. Tried 5+ maps, sometimes working, sometimes not even in the same map. Got 2 ravaged and 3 blighted maps from the same blight. All 14+, so 100% bugged.
Noticed it as well, its not always working
Can confirm that maps often don't convert to blight-ravaged. However I'm not sure if it is intended that map of t13 and below don't convert.
NeonTraces wrote:
Can confirm that maps often don't convert to blight-ravaged. However I'm not sure if it is intended that map of t13 and below don't convert.

It is intended that Maps of Tier 13 and lower don't convert! Only Tier 14 and upwards as the scarab clearly states. Which unfortunately doesn't work all the time.
Had in one map 5 Blight maps on T16 one got converted
Confirm. Dropped 2 Blighted maps: T14 and T15. None of them converted. That's a shame nobody still answer this problem.
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition is followed by madness.
I of course can't look into the code to figure out what exactly is the issue, but it was suggested to me that perhaps the ones that don't convert, weren't naturally t14+ drops.

It could be the case that atlas passives that later upgrade the dropped map, don't get converted. Just leaving this here in case it helps a dev fix the bug.
Expiriencing the same thing, bumping for visibility
leftymist wrote:
I of course can't look into the code to figure out what exactly is the issue, but it was suggested to me that perhaps the ones that don't convert, weren't naturally t14+ drops.

It could be the case that atlas passives that later upgrade the dropped map, don't get converted. Just leaving this here in case it helps a dev fix the bug.

Still happening, I also believe that
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