No atlas map completion for Caer Blaidd

You can see in the screenshot the map is completed. I also have the Kirac mission completed (the map was from him). But I do not have credit for the atlas completion (no atlas point granted).
Last bumped on Aug 3, 2024, 4:41:29 PM
Just happened to me too. Got it from Kirac's mission. Didn't complete, Maybe it was the wrong Tier.

I got Poorjoy from Kirac as a T5 map, but on atlas it's T14. Maybe that's why and also what happened with Caer Blaidd. Looking at your screnshot, you got a lv 73 (T6) version. Probably need the lv81 (T15) version for it to work

Last edited by Stridsfordon90 on Jul 28, 2024, 4:43:26 PM

Same here - also from Kirac, map cleared and no completion proc
The map tier does seem to matter - previously, you could get completion for lower tiers i.e. a tier 15 map showing up as tier 5 for Kirac. I have had this happen several times now, and every time it was when the map was below it's natural tier. This does not happen when going up tiers, i.e. running a tier 5 map at tier 16 for Kirac.

Really hope they fix this. I have a Putrid Cloister in my white Kirac list and it's the last map I need.
completed the map twice, got normal completion but no bonus objective. First time was someone elses party and they got completion. Second time one of the three people in my party got bonus completion, the third person and myself did not.

just noticed my poorjoys also didnt complete
Last edited by Demoshi on Jul 28, 2024, 8:19:14 PM
Also happened to me for Caer Blaidd, also through Kirac (undertiered). Is this intended/expected behavior?
No screenshot since I had only realized after the fact :(
Also happened to me

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