Virtual Keyboard Boss needs to be nerfed! 3.25 Fail

On Xbox, I've unleashed my full arsenal: Controller skills, phone app skills, power button skills, uninstall/reinstall skills, Google and YouTube skills, forum skills... and still, this first boss is like, 'Is that all you got?' Just can't defeat. Game is hard. 😅🎮 #GamerStruggles #BossFightBlues
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 8:37:59 PM
Tier 18 is rough.
Truly next level, I wasn't able to find any tips in my Nintendo Power magazines either!
Not even Game Genie has this one.
Yeah remote play and phone keyboard not working.
GameShark when
YoU mEaN yOu hAvNt bEaT tHe UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr UbEr bOsS yEt?
Naw, released with the new patch
Virtual Keyboard included in next support pack.

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