Discussion About Bow Gems Losing Their Flat Dmg #'s In 3.25

I understand that melee added effectiveness of dmg are getting some significant buffs, thus they removed the flat dmg from those gems.

However, what I don't understand is why are skills like Ice Shot, Cobra Lash and Toxic Rain of Sporeburst losing their flat dmg mods, with only a slight increase in dmg% effectiveness?

There aren't new bow/weapon base types coming this league, right? That only for armor slots that I know of.
Quality stones being multiplicative is nice, but not sure if that's for weapons as well? I know it's for armor.

Those above skills weren't anything too crazy to write home about so a bit worried here what to start with.

Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 1:57:58 PM
its preparations for poe 2 systems in poe. since in poe2 gems dont have flat dmg anymore. same with gold and AH
all bow skills needed atleast 50% nerf now its just another bow league
anti4z500 wrote:
its preparations for poe 2 systems in poe. since in poe2 gems dont have flat dmg anymore. same with gold and AH

None of the skills across the board have flat dmg? Have they said anything about the weapon base types if they're going to be higher than what we have now?

Either way, if that's true. I don't get why they threw it in this league before PoE2 is even out.
009Status wrote:
Quality stones being multiplicative is nice, but not sure if that's for weapons as well?

It is. Which means most hit based bow builds are getting 20% more damage, which is then being multiplied by the higher % damage on the gems. Overall DPS output is likely going up, but will rely more on getting a good weapon rather than being able to use gem levels as a crutch.
009Status wrote:
anti4z500 wrote:
its preparations for poe 2 systems in poe. since in poe2 gems dont have flat dmg anymore. same with gold and AH

None of the skills across the board have flat dmg? Have they said anything about the weapon base types if they're going to be higher than what we have now?

Either way, if that's true. I don't get why they threw it in this league before PoE2 is even out.

skill yes. it was mentioned in interview or something like that. i may be wrong on that since it was a while ago it may have changed alrdy . so take it with grain of salt
Astasia wrote:
009Status wrote:
Quality stones being multiplicative is nice, but not sure if that's for weapons as well?

It is. Which means most hit based bow builds are getting 20% more damage, which is then being multiplied by the higher % damage on the gems. Overall DPS output is likely going up, but will rely more on getting a good weapon rather than being able to use gem levels as a crutch.

Not many bow skills scale gem lvl but I'm talking about skills like Ice Shot that traditionally rely on a good phys bow.

What you said above is what scares me though; rely on a better bow. Anything half-decent is so insanely pricey to buy or craft.

Trying to do some math in my head but I feel like the dmg might be roughly the same, and that's only if you manage to get a good bow.
If it does end up scaling higher that'd be nice, but a couple of the 3.25 guides I've skimmed through seem to indicate it's a nerf.

*throws hands in air*


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