Lost gear and currency with new patch. (3.25)

So I've been playing for a few years now and this has never happened before. When everything was switched over to standard this go round, my choas orbs and devine orbs were just gone. And one of my stash tabs full of unique items was also completely emptied out. I check all my characters and checked with some friends of mine. This has happened on console and on pc. So are we just the only ones? Or is there an explanation for this outside of glitches and bad luck? My brother was hit the worse. He had just bought all the tabs to prepare for new league and play standard until it started and he lost multiple tabs of items. What's going on?
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 10:13:58 AM
Is it possible that you are hiding your Remove Only tabs? You can check this by checking your Items settings under UI in your Options menu.

You may also want to try manually completing the migration from the ended league. You can do this from the League migration menu which is found on the character select screen as the button with ">>" on it.
In your stash window, click Stash Options (top-right), then deselect "Hide Remove-Only Tabs'
I will definitely try this out and post what I find. Thank you for the replies. Sadly I won't get to check for a few hours.

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