PSA Reminder for Settlers

Just wanted to get in before the crowd.

The new league mechanic is not over tuned. We are all used to blasting endgame with builds that trivialized the content less than a week ago.

It takes a hot moment to get a build back together so please do not panic when you can’t one shot league mobs in the Mud Flats. Plus don’t forget that 5k life, 30k armor and max res without other layers is not defense, try again.

Also, the rewards in the league mechanic are going to be fine once we have all figured out how to min max the city building mini game, likely by Monday.

The sky isn’t falling if you don’t have a divine drop during the campaign.

With that said enjoy another casual stroll through the acts Exiles, see you in maps soon!
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 8:35:30 AM
Who asked?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I am trying to take this post at face value in good faith.

Honestly I don't know who this is for.

A good amount of defense is subjective, especially since GGG never really specifies how much damage anything does, or how much they expect players to invest in it.

Rewards are also subjective. Some people felt the leagues have been too rewarding lately in terms of drops versus time invested, some feel differently.

I really don't think players expect a div in the campaign, I would like a few chaos personally.

I am just really trying to square how much of the forum complaints OP feels are unjustified with the reality of GGG spending a lot of time addressing several fundamental balance issues with the last couple of leagues in terms of monster damage/health/ and item drops.
Rewards are always undertuned and mobs are always overtuned at the beginning of the league.

This has been going on since the begining with warbands, talismans you name it.

Hope it's clear for everybody.
Second-class poe gamer
hoho always undertuned?
-Official Forum Dweller-
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Last edited by xPiranha on Jul 26, 2024, 7:17:38 AM
roundishcap wrote:
Honestly I don't know who this is for.

The forums (and other locations) are almost always full of people complaining things are too difficult or not rewarding enough for the first week or two of a league. Often this is BS and they just don't understand the mechanics and their build sucks, but GGG often releases a placebo patch for them anyway.

This thread isn't really "for" those people though, as obviously they aren't going to read any of this. I think it's more poking fun at "what's about to happen."
How is 5k life 30k armor and max res not defense? < literally all defense ;p

I once asked on reddit and ingame for someone to make a good build that has layers of def and still be a good build... i believe they said thats impossible or they just ignored my question
Lynerus wrote:
How is 5k life 30k armor and max res not defense? < literally all defense ;p

I once asked on reddit and ingame for someone to make a good build that has layers of def and still be a good build... i believe they said thats impossible or they just ignored my question

Having layers of defence makes a build a good build wdym dude
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

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