Swordstorm hits and dual wielding different weapon types.

Retaliate against a blocked hit with a hail of blades that rains down in front of you, repeatedly dealing the damage of both your weapons combined. Requires Dual Wielding Melee Weapons.

Ok, the skill says "dealing the damage OF both your weapons combined", and lets say I am wielding an axe and a claw. I have allocated Feller of Foes,https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Feller_of_Foes, and Claws of the Hawk, https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Claws_of_the_Hawk.

Do I get the benefit of the crit multi for both on this skill, 40% with axes and 20% with claws? The skill says damage OF both, not WITH both, so how does this skill work with bonuses to two different weapon typs? Bonuses "while" wielding should apply as I am wielding both, but what of the bonuses like above where they specify to hits/ailments with the weapon type? How does crit chance for this skill work with different crit chances on my weapon types?
Last bumped on Jul 25, 2024, 8:45:06 AM

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