Currency exchange: features for in-progress orders?

Imagine the following: you are running an atlas strategy that requires some fairly rare scarabs, or maybe you're doing it early enough that supply isn't very high.

You place an order and start running maps, but before long you're out of scarabs.

Question 1: Can I go and take out the currency that I have already purchased, but before the order is fully complete?

Let's imagine you can, you continue mapping but you run out again. You go back to the market and notice that because an hour has passed and the supply is so low (or it's very early on in the league) the price of the scarab you're buying has changed.

Question 2: Can I edit an order while it is going, in order to pay more or less for the item in question, after the market price has changed?

Here, have a user story or two:

As a mapper who is ahead of the curve on league start and who runs out of Vaal Orbs,
I want to take out the currency that has been bought with an order before the order has fully completed,
So that I can continue mapping using this currency while the rest of the order is being fulfilled

As a mapper who runs a strategy using a low supply scarab,
I want to modify the price I pay for the scarab as the market conditions change on an in-progress order,
So that I do not have to cancel the order and lose all the gold when it is clear the scarab in question has become more expensive due to supply being low
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 11:52:59 AM
They've made it impossible to adjust orders - only cancel them.

Some say it's to keep bots under control, because a bot will rapidly drop their selling price by one scroll fragment below the next lowest until they're selling at a loss.

GGG should factor for that so that legit buyers/sellers can play the game, not bots.

I used to play Eve Online which had an insane market, mostly run by bots. As a producer of a few rare commodities I knew the exact cost for ME which was lower than most others, so I would know when bots had gotten into my market by the sudden crash in prices.
So I'd reduce my stock, and keep dropping my price so the bots would beat it by dropping one more Isk, then another Isk, until they were selling at half the cost for ME to produce the product (and, remember, I was more efficient due to having the T2 Blueprint Originals).
Then I'd just buy up all of the bot's stock, leaving them with huge crater in their profits, and dump them back onto the same market at the original profit margin (often times over 2000%), or ship them to areas without a market for war efforts... less profit, more movement.

That's how the market will work in this auction house.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
BlaqWolf wrote:
They've made it impossible to adjust orders - only cancel them.

Some say it's to keep bots under control, because a bot will rapidly drop their selling price by one scroll fragment below the next lowest until they're selling at a loss.

GGG should factor for that so that legit buyers/sellers can play the game, not bots.

I used to play Eve Online which had an insane market, mostly run by bots. As a producer of a few rare commodities I knew the exact cost for ME which was lower than most others, so I would know when bots had gotten into my market by the sudden crash in prices.
So I'd reduce my stock, and keep dropping my price so the bots would beat it by dropping one more Isk, then another Isk, until they were selling at half the cost for ME to produce the product (and, remember, I was more efficient due to having the T2 Blueprint Originals).
Then I'd just buy up all of the bot's stock, leaving them with huge crater in their profits, and dump them back onto the same market at the original profit margin (often times over 2000%), or ship them to areas without a market for war efforts... less profit, more movement.

That's how the market will work in this auction house.

I understand what you're saying, but there has to be a middle ground. If you can only cancel, then it forces legit players to either give up the gold and cancel orders all the time in order to adjust the ratio... or it'll take forever or even not get filled at all.

A middle ground may be a limited number of changes per hour, or per order. That way bots don't get to do essentially do "high frequency trading", and it doesn't punish players too harshly if they happen to choose the wrong ratio or if the price changes. It also doesn't force them to put tiny orders in in order to stay up to date on the current market price.
maloikhq wrote:
If you can only cancel, then it forces legit players to either give up the gold and cancel orders all the time in order to adjust the ratio... or it'll take forever or even not get filled at all.

A middle ground may be a limited number of changes per hour, or per order. That way bots don't get to do essentially do "high frequency trading", and it doesn't punish players too harshly if they happen to choose the wrong ratio or if the price changes. It also doesn't force them to put tiny orders in in order to stay up to date on the current market price.

Your buy order isn't necessarily waiting to be filled by a single player. If I've understood correctly, the system will buy 1's and 2's (or whatever's) of whatever you're seeking, at the price you've offered, over time for as long as your offer is live. If you cancel when it's only partly completed, then you get the portion that you're already bought. Yes, you're out the gold, but you're running maps and such which is where the gold comes from, so you should be able to post another buy order after cancelling your partly completed one.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
Waitubold wrote:
maloikhq wrote:
If you can only cancel, then it forces legit players to either give up the gold and cancel orders all the time in order to adjust the ratio... or it'll take forever or even not get filled at all.

A middle ground may be a limited number of changes per hour, or per order. That way bots don't get to do essentially do "high frequency trading", and it doesn't punish players too harshly if they happen to choose the wrong ratio or if the price changes. It also doesn't force them to put tiny orders in in order to stay up to date on the current market price.

Your buy order isn't necessarily waiting to be filled by a single player. If I've understood correctly, the system will buy 1's and 2's (or whatever's) of whatever you're seeking, at the price you've offered, over time for as long as your offer is live. If you cancel when it's only partly completed, then you get the portion that you're already bought. Yes, you're out the gold, but you're running maps and such which is where the gold comes from, so you should be able to post another buy order after cancelling your partly completed one.

I know all of that, I stand by my ideas (or at least that not being able to edit orders AT ALL will be a problem for some currencies and situations)

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