Mental Game and Systemizing Getting Better At PoE

Hey All,

With the new league on the way, I wanted to jot down some thoughts regarding the mental game and the importance of having a little grace when it comes to our expectations about performance and how best to work towards improving. I’ve never been naturally good at anything in my life, but that’s never stopped me from wanting to achieve and access the positive emotion that comes with getting closer to a goal you set for yourself! Systematic approaches towards improvement have helped facilitate me reaching new heights in my personal life, hobbies, and career. I’ve learned a lot from mentors and have never shied away from leaning into what the most professional and industrious in a field have to say on a topic. With that said, here are some of the things I’ve learned that have helped me perform better in Path of Exile and other areas of my life. I hope everybody has an incredible Settlers of Kalguur league start and embraces all the new exciting challenges.


Path of Exile is a super intricate and challenging game that doesn't just test your skills but also your mental toughness and ability to constantly develop new skillsets and strategies to overcome obstacles as you advance farther. I've picked up a few ideas on mental resilience and a stoic mindset that I hope can help you excel in PoE by focusing on some key concepts. I don't have the ownership to call any of these ideas "mine". However, many became illuminated from just living life and suddenly meeting much more articulate and well read thinkers along the way that validated these ideas with research. I honestly believe these are true to life, but here they are in regards to application to getting better at Path of Exile:

Think in Systems

In PoE, in order to improve finding a system to connect different components of such a complex game will help accelerate your progression by leaps and bounds. Whether you're trying to perfect a build, boost your DPS, or tackle endgame content, it's all about connecting the dots. Here's a simple formula to keep in mind: Knowledge x Execution x Consistency = Results!

Knowledge: Understanding game mechanics, build optimization, and meta strategies.

Execution: Applying this knowledge effectively during gameplay.

Consistency: Maintaining a regular, focused practice and play schedule as best you can.

Your Beliefs Shape Your Goals

Over time, I've learned that improving at anything starts with understanding your mindset. Reflect on your past experiences and spot any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. By recognizing and challenging these beliefs, you can swap them out for empowering ones, like believing you can hit a new milestone or tackle fresh content you’ve never approached before. Align your gameplay with your core values by setting clear goals, whether it’s mastering tough content, min-maxing a build, or climbing the ranks on PoE Ninja. Optimize your playtime to stay motivated and engaged and figure out your in-game identity. Whether you see yourself as a top-tier all-rounder, master crafter, or strategic trader, embracing this new identity helps you make choices that fit your upgraded self-image, ultimately boosting your performance and maybe even bringing some new joy to your gameplay.

Resilience and Mental Toughness

In addition to systemizing your approach, developing mental resilience and toughness is crucial for improving performance in PoE and being able to withstand the blows that come with engaging in such a challenging game!

Become Antifragile and Use Stressful Events to Grow

Embrace difficult encounters, such as tough boss fights or challenging maps. Instead of getting frustrated by failure, use these moments as learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong, seek advice from experienced players, and study game mechanics. Each setback is a chance to refine your build or strategy and come back stronger!

Maladaptive Responses vs. Adaptive Responses

Avoid negative habits like rage quitting or unhealthy stress relief (use your imagination). Instead, focus on positive actions. Take breaks, exercise, or even play a different game to refresh your mind. Increase your in-game study hours by reading guides, practicing mechanics, and experimenting with different builds. Ensure you get enough rest to stay focused and alert, making your time in-game both conducive to learning and having fun.


Confronting one's limitations, shortcomings, or ineptitude in something can be incredibly hard, but it is essential for growth. Identify the obstacles that you think are holding you back, such as distractions, lack of routine, or burnout. Establish a clear and structured daily and weekly schedule, allocating specific times for studying, playing, and reflecting on your performance. Tracking your progress is really helpful to make the necessary adjustments to stay accountable and ensure consistent improvement. If you really want it, there’s a path. Being consistent is key! Also, don’t forget THIS IS SUPPOSE TO BE FUN! Improving should be fun and empowering. Be excited for when this happens.

Have a Stoic Mindset

Mentally prepare for challenges before starting a session. Understand that you might encounter difficult situations, unexpected deaths, or bad RNG. Focus on what you can control: your reactions and decisions. When things don't go your way, quickly refocus on your next goal, whether it's farming/trading for gear, leveling up, or completing challenges. Keep your main objective in mind and try not to dwell on setbacks.

Train Yourself to Become Mentally Tough by Doing Hard Things

Remember, you’re playing one of the most difficult ARPGs out there! Developing mental toughness requires regularly taking on challenging content in the game and outside of it. Push yourself out of your comfort zone by constantly hitting new milestones, no matter how small. Establish daily routines that build mental toughness, such as practicing difficult in-game mechanics that you dislike and finding solutions, setting specific goals for each session, or adhering to a strict farming schedule. This will be different for everybody, so consider whether you want the challenge to be in PoE or outside of PoE. You’ll be surprised how your out-of-game time benefits you when you log in!


Maintaining perspective is crucial when striving for any challenging goal. Avoid getting discouraged by short-term losses or setbacks. Look at your overall progress over time. Track your achievements and improvements to maintain a positive outlook while embracing the pain and bliss of the journey! Being kind to yourself while seeking feedback from other players you trust to stay objective about your performance has helped me a lot. Community is underrated in how transformative finding the right players to fight by your side is.

Master Stress

Mastering stress is essential in all areas of life. Identify your optimal activation level where you perform best. Develop routines and rituals that help you achieve this state, such as warming up, meditating, running, or simply taking breaks when needed. Expose yourself to stressful in-game situations to build tolerance and keep focus on your mental state. Practice maintaining focus and calmness during high-pressure moments, whether that be boss maps or giga-juiced mapping moments. You got this!

Parting Thoughts

By systemizing an approach to improvement in PoE, I feel I’ve been able to streamline my efforts and focus on what truly matters to reach my goals (we don’t have all the time in the world, right?). If I had to distill it down into one sentence, it would be to concentrate on increasing your knowledge, improving your execution, and maintaining consistency. This structured approach will not only enhance your performance but will set you apart from the majority of people you see on forums and Reddit complaining and making excuses as to why the game is beating their ass. I love PoE, and almost all of my enjoyment has come from getting closer to a rigid goal I set for myself and the kinship I have with the people I play with and learn from all the time. If you see the game with new eyes and a fresh mindset today, see how far you can go in 4 months (hopefully 3!).

See you on the beach!

Last bumped on Jul 24, 2024, 11:58:03 PM

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