challenge rewards weapon effect overworked

similar to the old delirium wings I think the new challenge reward weapon effect looks really cool but also dumb, so close to greatness. its overworked. please consider removing the silly floaty bits or significantly reduce the amount of them. allowing us to maybe swap between floaty and non floaty bits would be amazing.

in general when looking at peoples mtx and my own preferences I can very easily see that almost nobody at all uses mtx with lots of floaty bits especially on weapon effects. more floaty bits is basically an auto exclude due to noisy looks when zoomed out and clipping in many cases. plus often the floaty balls and shards ruin what would otherwise be an amazing looking mtx.

the cloak is nice.

not sure how the char effect is supposed to function and its not obvious. im assuming it gets bigger the closer you get to leveling up but maybe scale the thing down by 50% its way too big.

otherwise cool set of stuff.
Last edited by Psiell on Jul 24, 2024, 7:48:21 PM
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2024, 8:13:21 PM
As with all recent challenge rewards, the new effects will probably be tiered, so you'll likely get your wish of a dumbed-down version of the weapon effect.

I'm going to guess that there will be three Weapon Effect tiers (4, 8 & 12). 4: Glyphs, 8: w/ Aura, 12: w / Floaties. Something like that.

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