Settlers Supporter Pack Question

So looking over what supporter packs I'm aiming for this league (and can afford), I noticed an oddity in one I'd love addressed, though this is more direct at GGG than the community because I don't think the information is out there yet.

In the Zealot's Penance Supporter pack, there's the Exiled Squire Pets, emphasis on the plural there. How many? Is it a variant pet that can be set to different tiers like the league unlocked armor (meaning you could only have one in a hideout our on a single character), or are they several discreet items I could make a hideout into a small town beyond just the normal Noble or Exile decorations? The explanation video only shows a single graphic (shirtless man with a helmet like the Ferrymen for heist), but the animation for the pack is a man in a tunic and floppy hat. I assume this means these are two of them, but is this the sum of them? Do you plan on showing any others (assuming their are).
Last bumped on Jul 25, 2024, 12:24:13 PM
I think it's just a typo. There's only one pet.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
There are 3 distinct pets: One that hypes you up, one that mocks you and one gloomy pessimistic fella. You can have 2 of them follow you at the same time. You could also put all 3 in your hideout, although i'm not sure their voicelines trigger when they are placed in the h/o. I could try it out later.

The one(s) that follow you will comment on what you're doing situationally. There are different character models (different outfits basically), re-summoning the pet changes the outfit.

Source: I own the pack and tried it out :)
Last edited by twostroketom on Jul 25, 2024, 7:43:39 AM
twostroketom wrote:
Source: I own the pack and tried it out :)

Right, I suppose these are out already, and don't 'release' when Settlers does. Thanks for the info, puts an extra stone in the 90$ pack's scale for sure.
Yep, packs released on the day of the livestream.

One thing I don't know yet is whether or not other people can hear those squire dudes talk. If so, towns and especially the rogue harbour will be quite something...

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