space in chat problem

hey there,

since 1,5-2 years i have problem with in-game chat. When i write something "spacebar" is not working ONLY CTRL+SPACEBAR is making space in chat. I tried to find fix for that since it begin with no luck. I reseted to default settings but there is no change. PLEASE help me because i play softcore and writing to someone more than few words is awful. From 3rd parties apps i use Awakened Poe Trade app, which i did before this problem appeared.

PLEASE show me how to fix it, i would be very thankful!
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2024, 2:18:18 PM
I'm no expert, but it sounds like it could be a driver issue outside of the game, but one which affects the game in particular.

Have you tried going into your Windows settings and resetting keyboard device/updating drivers, etc?
Maybe you've bound your spacebar to some action ingame. Check out your settings in Options->Input.
relax - it's just ones and zeros!
TRPV1 wrote:
Maybe you've bound your spacebar to some action ingame. Check out your settings in Options->Input.

Yeah, sems like the spacebar is either bound to something in the game or in Awakened PoE trade.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
i got default setting in input so space is only set to close all pop ups. Awakened poe trade i checked and i cannot see anywhere something set to space, so i dont know.
pavka44 wrote:
i got default setting in input so space is only set to close all pop ups. Awakened poe trade i checked and i cannot see anywhere something set to space, so i dont know.

Easiest way to try, is to just close APoE Trade and try to chat. If that doesn't work... I don't now. Check your keyboard software (if you have one), it might have its own setup for different applications. Do you have Auto Hotkey installed) Might be something there too.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
ok i found the fix. it WAS awakened poe trade as i have it on autostart i did not check without it, dummy me.

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This ia a technical Q!!! all my posts get moved to those dusty lonely channels, but this is still here WTH!!!!!!!

Stop picking on my posts!!!! hahaha
argoniashawks wrote:
This ia a technical Q!!! all my posts get moved to those dusty lonely channels, but this is still here WTH!!!!!!!

Stop picking on my posts!!!! hahaha

Some people's posts are just worth more than yours :P

(Or, everyone at GGG is just to busy with the patch - all hands on deck)
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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