Anyone else tempted by SSF because of Gamble exists now?

Nr. 1 thing blocking me going SSF is crafting. BUT what happens if you do get a steady flow of half decent rares and then you just need to adjust them a little for them to be somewhat decent? Not sure if it actually will be that simple but "hopium?".
Last bumped on Jul 24, 2024, 4:26:31 PM
Play SSF for competition.

See how well you do and know you were on even footing.
The endgame you might not have any rares on cause crafted is better.

The real issue is always that drop rates are for trade league not SSF.
The end of league for me is often when I try to 5 or 6 link a piece im wearing .

No upgrades so need to try to improve ..
So start crafting ... and .. out of materials .. my item is the wrong colors .. or wrong sockets .. or whatever .... aaaaaaaand ... i quit.

The total lack of deterministic crafting is what kills SSF.
What i did notice were large volumes of crafting materials in the trailer.

If you can craft, id go SSF.
It really is more satisfying than trade league.
Light9 wrote:
Nr. 1 thing blocking me going SSF is crafting. BUT what happens if you do get a steady flow of half decent rares and then you just need to adjust them a little for them to be somewhat decent? Not sure if it actually will be that simple but "hopium?".

SSF is my preferred way to play, so I'll definitely be going SSF this league. We'll see how broken the new recombinator actually is, or the rewards from the shipments. I know there's a lot of hype around the currency market, but this actually could be the most SSF-friendly league ever.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
I'm going for ssf, not because of the "gambling" but the ssf friendly league mechanic.
Going to feel nice to have the town progress gated behind own progression instead of the usual trade2win.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Guys, no, please, don`t jebait me into fun... :P
But have to agree, SSF might look the best that it ever has been, but i am a bit afraid of getting stuck in SSF, especially since i do want atleast a 1 or 2 uniques for my builds, now how rare those will be in shipments who knows but if they do appear in shipments, that actually might make it the best SSF ever.
The times that I have played trade league I can count the number of trades I did on one hand( yeah, I'm a casual). I would recommend playing in trade but as ssf for as long or as much as you can.
I always play SSF style in Trade league, just in case my kids chime in and want to try the league, almost never buy an item on the market...

For the purpose of pure SSF without any party guests there is an alt account.
relax - it's just ones and zeros!
I don't think I will ever go SSF.
I would rather 40/40 3 accounts with 3 builds than go SSF and slog through it and not even reach pinnacle content.
But to each his own.

Gamble is good in general, but it never paid out of me, so I'm not counting on it.
I find SSF to be the way to play.

I tried trade league and TBH it just expedited me leaving.
I was lucky and got a few divines.

So shortly after i was wearing the build i had wanted to put together.
Got the chest 6 linked
got my staff 6 linked ..

Then .... i was totally unmotivated to play ....
In SSF i find im chasing the build i want longer....

Id SSF, i always think ohh i won't be able to play with others..
But when i was in trade..... i never played with others.... so .....

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