What side content/past leagues will drop gold?

Will delve,sanctum,heist,expedition,blight,simulacrum, etc drop gold?
And if so will it be only from monster kills on those mechanics or also from the chests/rewards also at the end?
Last bumped on Jul 23, 2024, 5:55:05 PM
Same here , wondering how it will work outside of maps , its sad that they didnt give any info about that .. ><
Yeah real strange nobody asked that on the QA, i feel its a massive oversight cause we usually plan the league starters with the intent of farming content X or Y and having gold drops or not will be a massive issue if they don't and can make me go a completely different league starter.
I would also like to know this.
Yeah real strange nobody asked that on the QA

Is it.

If you think about it, it's going to be added to the currency drop pool and probably be relatively common(probably in the same sort of bracket as wisdom and portal), so basically any content that can drop currency should drop gold, there is likely going to be some scaling with the level of monsters and it should be effected by IIQ.
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I beleive they did already answer in the affirmative on the item quantity question in the FAQ, which would lead me to believe it can drop anywhere.
I assume pretty much any content that drops any kind of item will also drop gold.

In Heist, gold will be contraband though, lol XD

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