3.25 Perfect agony + Ungil's Harmony won't interact correctly??

So for 3.25, I was planning enjoying the new Perfect agony which has "Critical Strikes does not deal extra Damage" and GGG confirms in frequently asked questions thread that you will be able to stack any source of Critical strike Damage Multiplier to increase your Ailment Damage. So then I wanted to go for the Ungil's Harmony amulet which word "Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage". In-game, that amulet brings down your Critical Strikes damage Multiplier to 100%. So it would be a mistake to use it if you plan stacking crit multi with Perfect agony (which is the purpose of it).

I just hope that GGG sees this and fix the Ungil's Harmony amulet before league start :)
Just a Herp Derp from Diablo I - II - Starcraft I - II
Last bumped on Jul 23, 2024, 2:44:21 AM
i dont think its a bug.

ungil's harmony works to make you crit more frequently but remove any crit multi bonuses.

tho it allows thing that proc on crit to happen normally.

one way people could use ungils, is to go assassin, have 100% crit chance, but gain the "more damage with poison on crit" ascendancy.

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After the PoB update, you go to 100% crit multi the moment you spec into Perfect Agony - but specing into more crit multi does increase your DoT damage. I don't think it has anything to do with the amulet.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
yea pob just updated
Just a Herp Derp from Diablo I - II - Starcraft I - II
People are already using this combo, check poe.ninja.


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