About Unbound Avator skill

Is Unbound Avator granted by avator of the wilds an instant skill or a skill with cast time? If it has cast time, will it be interupt by hits?

Can we keep the skill until we meet a tough fight then use it to get explosive dps?

Is there a cooldown for this skill?
Last bumped on Jul 22, 2024, 5:03:11 PM
Is Unbound Avator granted by avator of the wilds an instant skill or a skill with cast time? If it has cast time, will it be interupt by hits?

Nobody knows yet.

Can we keep the skill until we meet a tough fight then use it to get explosive dps?

Depending on "explosive", yes. You will, at the least, get more DPS.

Is there a cooldown for this skill?

In practical terms, the cooldown is requiring 100 Unbound Fury to use the skill, being unable to gain Unbound Fury while you're Unbound, and being able to build Unbound Fury at a rate of fifteen per second if you absolutely perfectly maximize your gain rate. Means the absolute minimum possible cooldown is a bit over six seconds, presuming you're applying a Shock, an Ignite/Scorch, and a Freeze/Chill once every 0.2s. In practice that will never happen, the realistic cooldown even on the most gadzookingly expensive Tornado Shot projectile-spam builds is going to be somewhere closer to eight to ten seconds. 'Normal' builds that can't generate 15+ ailment applications a second will likely be looking at building up Unbound Fury over the course of a map before popping it on the map boss/whichever tough rare they think is worth the extra juice.

This is, of course, presuming a generally straightforward build. I have no doubt someone will figure out how to apply Ignite, Scorch, Freeze, Chill, Brittle, Shock, and Sapped all at once every two hundred milliseconds and recharge their Unbound Fury every two and a half seconds, because this is Path of Exile. But in Ordinary Player terms, a build that's doing a decent job of optimizing for Unbound Fury will likely be looking at fifteen to twenty seconds between Unbound-ings, and a build that's doing a pretty dang good job might be looking at tennish seconds.

Feels like this might honestly be a decent use case for Elemental Hit of the Spectrum, at least on the lower budget ends. EHotS has a big honkin' base chance to inflict all three ailments, does damage of all three elements so it can inflict all three ailments without Shenanimuffins, and as a bow/wand skill you can generally build enough attack speed to do so at a good clip. Plus EHotS honestly likes the Oath of Summer way more than it does Ignite; EHotS Ignites are forgettable but doubling up on Scorches that collectively lower all elemental resistances by 60% would be huge for EHotS. Makes Unbound Ailments seriously attractive for the kit if you go full left half, giving a big boost to all three non-damaging ailments the build relies on.

Frankly, if I wasn't convinced Warden will be an incredibly expensive build this league due to being the Shiny New Thing I might've tried it, but eh. Bow builds are always way more expensive than non-marketeer players can afford. Ah well.
Last edited by 1453R on Jul 22, 2024, 5:04:39 PM

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