Settlers of Kalguur Wrap Up - 12 known things - Win or FAIL

Ok, so let me see if I have the wrap up for this new patch this straight. Just watched the new video about the new Currency Market Exchange, so that's the very latest that GGG's released so far to us. Let's hear it from y'all if it's true or not. Measuring all of this in to either

a)Win/ Success/ Pass or w/e terminology you choose and that's allowed on the forums

b)Lose/ BUST/ FAIL/ Garbage or w/e terminology you choose and that's allowed on the forums

Kalguur league -

1) Nerfs to player offensives (Hatred, Gem flat dmg, Ele hit to melee only, etc) = BUST

2) Nerfs to player defensives (Determination, Grace,etc) = BUST

3) Currency Market Exchange requiring high gold + not in Standard where people have the highest volumes of currency for this to be needed = BUST

4) House / Town building = Basically another hideout maker + what I remember seeing people do Harvest gardening = BUST

5) Recombinator from what was shown both items are of the same exact item level and weapon base so IF that's a requirement it could be fail but = Reserve judgment until more info

6) Black Market item exchange - Same typical NPC "gambling" crap = *BUST

*If it were based on NPC giving us T1 endgame crafted gear = or better than player crafted gears OR even items / gears from BANNED players accounts then that could be a huge win. Otherwise it's simply buying typical vendor crap we can get from ultimatum, ritual, etc*

7) Reflection pool = 50/50 usage Draw

8) Disenchanting items that you can simply replace them with another enchant + what helm and boots can you currently enchant in temp league = *Bust*

*Seeing in the original video a helm and boots were in the video could mean we're able to enchant them again. It's kinda odd mechanic to include in game after the nerfing of the original method of lab enchants. IF this new mechanic also reenables the enchantments of helms, gloves and boots this could be useful as long as it's not gated by something super rare or super difficult boss fight. So this very well COULD possibly be a Win/ Success if we're given the option of Enchanting now*

9) Map combining of 11 maps for mods = Map sink and possibly more xp gained & more mob packs within a non unique map = Sucess / Win

10) Town shipments & sailing - Non tradable shipments + having to wait on a time limit set in real time means more waiting around to do anything with crafting wise for new recombinator and town crafting bench currency being non tradable = BUST

11) Atlas showing card location = Success / Win - LONG OVERDUE

12) Respec with gold = Possibly Success / Win - if gold is easily farmed then 86 gold per point is good and overall will save on regrets.

*Decent alternative and it'd be super useful if gold were able to buy or use tattoos in the same manner on the skill tree.


Tally - 3 Win
1 draw
1 reserved
7 Bust / Fail *Enchanting Helms, Boots & Gloves again would be a win*

I was originally going through my mule chars to see what I can get rid of to delete and have a new char slot for new league but seeing today's video that the Currency Market isn't in standard means it's useless. By the time it's implemented in core (IF it even is), most likely the gold aspect will be nerfed so it's no point. Even if it does go core in it's current form the only possible reason to make a temp league char for that is to get a jump on farming gold.

In fact, I'm willing to bet that by the time it does go core the Gold will replace Rogue Markers as the prize in heist missions; just so it can retain some relevance to bother with heist since the deletion of alt quality gems it's been 100% skippable / ignored. If gold doesn't outright replace Rogue Markers it'll certainly be added side by side. While gold was being thought of to be used on the skill tree, why didn't anyone think to apply tthe same skill point warping / connecting that the Atlas skill tree has?

That'd save quite a bit of points and help with many different char builds from having to leap all around the tree. Especially after this nerf, people will have to do some tree hopping and creative thinking to recoup for the losses about to hit us both offensively and defensively.

With the tally so far new league looks like it's worth skipping. 7 out of 12 is too many fails to be spending 3 - 4 months on without something substantial being gained long term AFTER the temp league ends
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 11:45:09 AM
I like the "selectivism" in this one.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Thank you for sharing this. We've all been waiting patiently for you to tell us about these "busts" without having had a chance to actually play the new patch.
Hot takes with little to no accuracy, just lots of tears for nothing.

WoT_Seanchan wrote:

1) Nerfs to player offensives (Hatred, Gem flat dmg, Ele hit to melee only, etc) = BUST

Along with big player buffs with the quality rework and other sources like the weapon enchant. So nothing but a buff across the board except a few games which deserved a hard adjustment.

2) Nerfs to player defensives (Determination, Grace,etc) = BUST

Once again quality gives you more states as before along with the new item bases.
They had to adjust the numbers cause otherwise we would have even more crazy power creep and just adding only power without adjustments is a critical game killer (look at D3 for example)

3) Currency Market Exchange requiring high gold + not in Standard where people have the highest volumes of currency for this to be needed = BUST

Cause the currency exchange is part of the league mechanic and is just still being tested. New league specific content newer went core right away since over a decade.
The gold requirement is to keep bots and hideout warriors in check, a healthy change for once but the game would be better off without any trade and just 100% account bound items in all honesty.

4) House / Town building = Basically another hideout maker + what I remember seeing people do Harvest gardening = BUST

You build your building at a pre set location, in what way is that another hideout? You didn't even played OG harvest so I don't see why you would care in first place hoho


6) Black Market item exchange - Same typical NPC "gambling" crap = *BUST

More like they do offer interesting powerful mods. You could fracture them or recomb them to pretty gg and powerful items. More powerful than all the legacy standard trash actually. In other words gg GGG for making lots of standard mirror tier rmt items worthless.


10) Town shipments & sailing - Non tradable shipments + having to wait on a time limit set in real time means more waiting around to do anything with crafting wise for new recombinator and town crafting bench currency being non tradable = BUST

And that's a good thing that people have to actually play the league mechanic in order to make use of it.
Being able to bypass 95% of it by just buying everything on trade is just a mistake anyways and necropolis was a good example of it.
But you wouldn't know since you haven't played the league yet alone any league since 2018.

Recombs can still be traded if you provide a seller your two items.
But honestly that seems pointless with how accessible they made it, which is a good change by the way.
Gating the function behind rather rare item drops and trading during Sentinel league was again a just a mistake like corpse now.

I do hope that GGG builds up further on the solid foundation of more account bound stuff in the future.
I would even go so far and say that the currency out of shipment rewards should be account bound as well but I can see that this would be a hell of coding work.

12) Respec with gold = Possibly Success / Win - if gold is easily farmed then 86 gold per point is good and overall will save on regrets.

Like they mentioned, early campaign won't give a lot of gold while mid game gives you enough to engage with everything and endgame gives you more than enough to trivialize the entire existence of gold.


With the tally so far new league looks like it's worth skipping. 7 out of 12 is too many fails to be spending 3 - 4 months on without something substantial being gained long term AFTER the temp league ends

What a weird rating giving that you didn't touched any of the leagues in the past, so you wouldn't really know anything about them tbh.

But yea GGG simply balances the core game around temp leagues and not the storage unit end of temp league called standard.
And it's honestly good that they doesn't add everything into the game as some features are in fact fine for a single league but downright bad for the core game on the long run. Some things return from time to time but in a more reasonable adjusted state.

If you're having such a fomo about content you could just play temp leagues for once like pretty much every other path of exile player instead of sitting in your graveyard in hope to get some new content.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 22, 2024, 3:30:45 PM
Pashid wrote:
Hot takes with little to no accuracy, just lots of tears for nothing.

WoT_Seanchan wrote:

1) Nerfs to player offensives (Hatred, Gem flat dmg, Ele hit to melee only, etc) = BUST

Along with big player buffs with the quality rework and other sources like the weapon enchant. So nothing but a buff across the board except a few games which deserved a hard adjustment.

2) Nerfs to player defensives (Determination, Grace,etc) = BUST

Once again quality gives you more states as before along with the new item bases.
They had to adjust the numbers cause otherwise we would have even more crazy power creep and just adding only power without adjustments is a critical game killer (look at D3 for example)

3) Currency Market Exchange requiring high gold + not in Standard where people have the highest volumes of currency for this to be needed = BUST

Cause the currency exchange is part of the league mechanic and is just still being tested. New league specific content newer went core right away since over a decade.
The gold requirement is to keep bots and hideout warriors in check, a healthy change for once but the game would be better off without any trade and just 100% account bound items in all honesty.

4) House / Town building = Basically another hideout maker + what I remember seeing people do Harvest gardening = BUST

You build your building at a pre set location, in what way is that another hideout? You didn't even played OG harvest so I don't see why you would care in first place hoho


6) Black Market item exchange - Same typical NPC "gambling" crap = *BUST

More like they do offer interesting powerful mods. You could fracture them or recomb them to pretty gg and powerful items. More powerful than all the legacy standard trash actually. In other words gg GGG for making lots of standard mirror tier rmt items worthless.


10) Town shipments & sailing - Non tradable shipments + having to wait on a time limit set in real time means more waiting around to do anything with crafting wise for new recombinator and town crafting bench currency being non tradable = BUST

And that's a good thing that people have to actually play the league mechanic in order to make use of it.
Being able to bypass 95% of it by just buying everything on trade is just a mistake anyways and necropolis was a good example of it.
But you wouldn't know since you haven't played the league yet alone any league since 2018.

Recombs can still be traded if you provide a seller your two items.
But honestly that seems pointless with how accessible they made it, which is a good change by the way.
Gating the function behind rather rare item drops and trading during Sentinel league was again a just a mistake like corpse now.

I do hope that GGG builds up further on the solid foundation of more account bound stuff in the future.
I would even go so far and say that the currency out of shipment rewards should be account bound as well but I can see that this would be a hell of coding work.

12) Respec with gold = Possibly Success / Win - if gold is easily farmed then 86 gold per point is good and overall will save on regrets.

Like they mentioned, early campaign won't give a lot of gold while mid game gives you enough to engage with everything and endgame gives you more than enough to trivialize the entire existence of gold.


With the tally so far new league looks like it's worth skipping. 7 out of 12 is too many fails to be spending 3 - 4 months on without something substantial being gained long term AFTER the temp league ends

What a weird rating giving that you didn't touched any of the leagues in the past, so you wouldn't really know anything about them tbh.

But yea GGG simply balances the core game around temp leagues and not the storage unit end of temp league called standard.
And it's honestly good that they doesn't add everything into the game as some features are in fact fine for a single league but downright bad for the core game on the long run. Some things return from time to time but in a more reasonable adjusted state.

If you're having such a fomo about content you could just play temp leagues for once like pretty much every other path of exile player instead of sitting in your graveyard in hope to get some new content.

Hatred and herald of ash nerfs are unacceptable. They should not make these two skills physical binding at all. Now dex stackers don't even have a dps aura to use, and fire/cold spell also suffer a huge loss.

For phy to cold aura effect stackers, they might lose 20-30% of total dps due to the deletion of more cold dmg.

Herald rings became totally useless.
Just go play D4.
If you think this League is shit there's no reason for you to ever touch this game.

98% of everything they announced were massive wins. So much so that people don't even care about the nerfs to things like Divine Blessing being removed, Phys taken as X being removed, Adorned getting nerfed, Hatred/Heralds being nerfed et.c.

Everything you listed as BUST, when put into context is a hgue WIN.
Grace and Determination nerfed? But flat Armor and Evasion on gear increased alot resulting in higher defenses than before.

To be honest, you seem to be a standard player so your opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
Just because you don't get the Auction House in standard yet doesn't make the system a bust. Play the actual league like a normal person.
WoT_Seanchan wrote:
5) Recombinator from what was shown both items are of the same exact item level and weapon base so IF that's a requirement it could be fail but = Reserve judgment until more info

6) Black Market item exchange - Same typical NPC "gambling" crap = *BUST

*If it were based on NPC giving us T1 endgame crafted gear = or better than player crafted gears OR even items / gears from BANNED players accounts then that could be a huge win. Otherwise it's simply buying typical vendor crap we can get from ultimatum, ritual, etc*

Recombinator--it didn't sound like they added extra requirements to it. It just sounded like it lost the ability to mutate modifiers. I believe that means no adding Recombinator-specific modifiers from Sentinel, but also no modifiers randomly going up or down a tier.

Black Market item exchange - Settlers of Kalguur Q&A that aired after the reveal, with timestamp.

Ultimately it's a sink, you don't want gold to just be accumulated forever...but the awesome thing is that it's a way to target specific base types, and that's ultimately the luxury--so, obviously when you're going through the campaign and you're looking for specific targeted gear upgrades, very very useful for that.

And it, as you get higher and higher level...I guess as you upgrade your Tavern, but as you get higher upgrades the Modifier Tier Rating. Which was a term some people might not know, but it was used in Necropolis League, which effectively cuts off the bottom X tiers that can generate, so the items by endgame will be generating with a minimum tier higher than something, and thus they are pretty powerful items.

So, good for upgrading your weapons during campaign, a potential issue that the base damage on attack skills was supposed to help with by my understanding?

And in endgame, it won't be generating items with 5 or 10 life, so it's not quite the same as the "typical vendor crap".
Desert Update - Water now available upon demand to keep people from drying from dehydration: Bust (It's not Gatorade)
This entire post was a bust imo.
The item is yours when it is in your bag.
Last edited by Ushela on Jul 23, 2024, 7:32:09 PM
Deadandlivin wrote:
Just go play D4.
If you think this League is shit there's no reason for you to ever touch this game.

98% of everything they announced were massive wins
. So much so that people don't even care about the nerfs to things like Divine Blessing being removed, Phys taken as X being removed, Adorned getting nerfed, Hatred/Heralds being nerfed et.c.

Everything you listed as BUST, when put into context is a hgue WIN.
Grace and Determination nerfed? But flat Armor and Evasion on gear increased alot resulting in higher defenses than before.

To be honest, you seem to be a standard player so your opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
Just because you don't get the Auction House in standard yet doesn't make the system a bust. Play the actual league like a normal person.

Did we read the same patch notes? Hell even GGG cant say with a straight face it's nothing but buffs lmfao. Yeah I play standard but listed the reasons why it's bust (where applied), not simply cause of the AH market. In fact, can you or anyone else tell us what is it you're excited for the most with the temp league? Most people in global seem to be hyped off town building = hideout making.

The only 2 things that are exciting are recombinators and Enchants being brought back for helms, gloves, etc.

Ushela wrote:
This entire post was a bust imo.

A bust for white knights, yeah. Easy to have that view with blinders on.
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!

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