Are we setting ourselves up to become a villain in PoE2?

Just a thought...

I was wondering, what impact might have this expansion lore wise?
(I am by no means a lore expert)

The PoE1 exiles are not exactly heroes...
Building a new powerful "empire" - a force to be reconned with...
Become powerful leader...
Can even delegate mapping...
Decides who of our allies lives or dies for our profit...
We're slaying cosmic entities left and right...

Do we (even by proxy) sentense the new exiles to death?
Do we start fooling around with thaumology again and screw it up again?
Could the PoE1 exiles be sort of the new Dominus equivalent of PoE2?

Or something like that?

Anybody else seeing this or is it just me?

Last bumped on Jul 22, 2024, 7:04:31 PM
FlowJow wrote:


Every time somebody ends a post with this it just makes me want to reach through the internet.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
You're probaby fun at parties
Definetly yes.

Mark of the King is not the starting town of PoE2?, they wanted to introduce it lore-wise.

The PoE 1 character goes more and more corrupted by strange forces every chapter:

Using gems found in wraeclast (warden of the majii says its a "contamination"), touching voidstones, helping Sin (why on the hell a karui must work for the BLACK SPIRIT), scourge, non-linear worlds exploring, delve contamination, using oils/blight infection, using MTX to resemble "The thing" of john carpenter XD

Its only matter of time, that this "seed of corruption" sprouts its flesh vessel (chances to be impregnated with something after kitava explosion XD). All this remembers me Silent Hill 3 xd
Last edited by Halugar on Jul 21, 2024, 8:55:25 PM
We will get lost in the corruption, just like Sirus did. Zana will come back to try and get us out and we'll kill her. In PoE 2, that story will be used as a warning to the "new hero".
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Halugar wrote:
Definetly yes.

Mark of the King is not the starting town of PoE2?, they wanted to introduce it lore-wise.

The PoE 1 character goes more and more corrupted by strange forces every chapter:

Using gems found in wraeclast (warden of the majii says its a "contamination"), touching voidstones, helping Sin (why on the hell a karui must work for the BLACK SPIRIT), scourge, non-linear worlds exploring, delve contamination, using oils/blight infection, using MTX to resemble "The thing" of john carpenter XD

Its only matter of time, that this "seed of corruption" sprouts its flesh vessel (chances to be impregnated with something after kitava explosion XD). All this remembers me Silent Hill 3 xd

There's so many ways to go with this... Since every powerful civilisation got its cataclysm and there's fresh meat and so much power just sitting there, it is like on a silver platter.

Phrazz wrote:
We will get lost in the corruption, just like Sirus did. Zana will come back to try and get us out and we'll kill her. In PoE 2, that story will be used as a warning to the "new hero".

Since basically everyone can get corrupted, i can also imagine Zana to corrupt and turn out bad and use the new exile for her own intentions. Or on the other hand, she makes us putting an end to all of this. At least i expect her to show up in some way.
FlowJow wrote:
Just a thought...

I was wondering, what impact might have this expansion lore wise?
(I am by no means a lore expert)

Our own personal actions have none. We're essentially getting to play out a Fantasy Football version of the founding of Kingsmarch, i.e. the Kalguuran town that acts as the hub for Path the Second's Act 4 (unless something changes). Kingsmarch in PoE2 will not remotely reflect what any exile does with it, nor do I figure they'd aggregate stuff and let the mindless masses decide. At best, they'll throw in a fun nod to Settlers league in PoE2.

FlowJow wrote:

The PoE1 exiles are not exactly heroes...
Building a new powerful "empire" - a force to be reconned with...
Become powerful leader...
Can even delegate mapping...
Decides who of our allies lives or dies for our profit...
We're slaying cosmic entities left and right...

We're building a single town, not an empire. Heh.
We're not really the leader of the town, lore-wise. Sure, mechanics/gameplay wise we dictate all the various construction and junk, but lore-wise the Exile(s) are just mercenaries employed to gather resources and protect Kingsmarch. Our specific Exile, who goes on to stomp GOO keister, has no direct connection with PoE2 Kingsmarch. Grinding Gear has confirmed that the specific lore of each league is contained to that league. Unless something goes core, the league's lore has no effect on the overall world.

FlowJow wrote:
Do we (even by proxy) sentense the new exiles to death?

Nah. The second game's exiles are sentenced by the head of wherever the Oriathans wash up and try to figure out their shit.

FlowJow wrote:
Do we start fooling around with thaumology again and screw it up again?

Thaumaturgy. And we've been screwing around with thaumaturgy since we washed up on the beach and grabbed our first skill gem. Skill gems are a form of thaumaturgy - or did you think the Exile could walk around casually smiting GOOs with nothing but the power of a heavily muscled boot?

Nah. We've been an eldritch monstrosity of our own the whole time, just one whose elditch-ness comes from thaumaturgical constructs and items rather than our inherent natures. Heh, how do you think the Conquerors of the Atlas got to be the Stand Users they turned into?

FlowJow wrote:
Could the PoE1 exiles be sort of the new Dominus equivalent of PoE2?

Or something like that?

There might be a tie-in to the Godslayer in the second game, simply because the Godslayer is a key part of why Wraeclast still exists for there to be a second game in. But I would expect them to play that very close to the chest, especially since setting a canonical Godslayer means telling everybody who played anything else in the first game that their character is wrong and they should feel bad. I.e. the reaction to the whole 'Conquerors of the Atlas' bit where all our previous efforts were discanon'd and we got a bunch of Stand-using yaybos taking credit instead, which was the worst received Endgame story by a significant margin. If we do encounter the Godslayer in the second game, expect them to be warped beyond recognition into a new entity entirely. Which, hey, it's Wraeclast - that's just kinda how things do here.

FlowJow wrote:
Anybody else seeing this or is it just me?

Eh. Like I said, canonically the Godslayer exists because somebody hadda slay all those gods, but establishing a single specific canon Godslayer would be a misplay on Grinding Gear's part. Either way, Settlers wouldn't be the reason the Godslayer shows up in the second game.

FlowJow wrote:

Man, ya don't need to tell people to "discuss". it's a forum, the "discuss" is assumed.
Last edited by 1453R on Jul 22, 2024, 6:11:43 PM
FlowJow wrote:
Just a thought...

I was wondering, what impact might have this expansion lore wise?
(I am by no means a lore expert)

The PoE1 exiles are not exactly heroes...
Building a new powerful "empire" - a force to be reconned with...
Become powerful leader...
Can even delegate mapping...
Decides who of our allies lives or dies for our profit...
We're slaying cosmic entities left and right...

Do we (even by proxy) sentense the new exiles to death?
Do we start fooling around with thaumology again and screw it up again?
Could the PoE1 exiles be sort of the new Dominus equivalent of PoE2?

Or something like that?

Anybody else seeing this or is it just me?


See, posts like this are exactly why GGG needs to be more transparent or respond more to player questions. If they want us to be immersed into their storyline and appreciate the lore enough to listen and pay attention; then the least they could do is answer questions that are either relative to the lore OR hot button game issues as they happen / trend on the forums here.

Technically who says we aren't already villains? I've been asking GGG certain questions about the lore such as how much time has taken place between part 1 and part 2 of the game & why exactly are we against the Syndicate? In a land of the dead constantly rising; why are we against the living being immortal instead of undead? Why in the hell is Dominus in Wraeclast if he's supposed to be in charge of Oriath and exiled us to here? Why do the rogue exiles have beef with us if they're also fellow exiles? They should be partners or mercenaries

What would make us villains is

1) Being exiled by authority figures / courts

2) Killing other people on this island left and right *including Hillock, the 3x Bandits, Piety and even Dominus himself. Murder is murder

3) Slaying Gods.......who are supposed to be praised and worshipped on but then again Dominus did allude to us "have you ever seen the true face of God exile? "
I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
Canonically, the atlas already kinda screwed us at least twice and made us villiains once. The elderslayers are basically the lore-correct fate of our characters from war for the atlas and before. We cannonically played in a party of 6, counting zana, defeated uber elder and got mad from the atlas influence

Also, the "powerful exile" that rose to challenge Sirus lost the fight. GGG aparently noticed players were getting their asses kicked by sirus a lot(i remember they released numbers of Sirus k/d ratio when the boss was fresh and the boss had a positive ratio over players by quite a lot, like 2 kills per death or something) and decided to make the boss victory cannon, so Sirus won over the PC and had to be finished by random goons

The fate of the exile that got the mavens attention is kinda vague, but its implied he/she also became part of her collection, so maybe we got screwed 3 times by now(or not, the lore kinda focus how the elderslayers became part of her colletion, but sirus and zana escaped, wich is the lore reason we dont have either as part of her trials, but we do have elderslayers encounter. It dont focus on the exile that first encountered her, maybe it was the powerful exile that was killed by sirus?)

As for godslayers, they call us such, but i think the only god we actually kill on the story is kitava. Dosent make much sense that tukohama is that weak and kitava is so much above him when lore-wise tukohama made the scar on kitava face basically because he tought kitava was a pushover. Im fairly certain most gods will show up on poe2 and will turn out we just killed avatars or something

And the real stars of this next expansion, assuming it will become cannon, are the NPCs from expedition, we are likely just gonna be reduced to some of the background exiles that run maps

So far, traumaturgy never managed to corrupt our characters because other stuff got us first... its possible that some of the bosses on poe2 are gonna be corrupted exiles, maybe one of the major story bosses will turn out to be the exile that took eater and exarch and became corrupted by atlas or traumaturgy

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