Privacy Settings for Friends List

Hello everyone,

PoE's social features are lacking, I believe we don't have to argue about that.
There are however severe holes in privacy that could "easily" be plugged.

My suggestions and requests are the following:

Invisible mode (appear offline to people in your friends list and/or everyone)

On the friends panel there could be a drop down allowing to choose three options:

- Invisible to everyone
/whois will show you offline. You also won't be able to receive any messages and will appear offline on the trade site.
You are offline for all intents and purposes.

- Invisible to Friends with checkbox active
The Friends List will have a new checkbox for each of your friends. Upon activating this mode you will appear offline to friends with said checkbox ticked.
You are offline for all intents and purposes to those friends only.

- Online
Appear visible and online without restrictions.

Remove yourself from strangers' Friends lists

When deleting people from my Friends List I should be deleted from theirs as well.
This not being already the case is the most surprising to me.

Adding people to your Friends List requires confirmation

Today someone can add me to their friends list without me knowing or rather explicitly allowing it.
I will get a notification that someone wants to add me and I can refuse but that will only prevent them from being added to my Friends List, I'll still be on theirs.

It should not be possible for anyone to add someone without explicit permission.

Block /whois

I should be able to remove myself from being checked on with the /whois command.
By default this can be off but when activated it would show "this player does not allow to be found with /whois" or something.

Thank you.
Last edited by Starbuckz42#3193 on Jul 15, 2024, 9:38:04 AM
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 7:50:13 AM
You should post this on reddit so more people will support and know about your idea. I also hate this about POE. We have no privacy while ingame. It's ridiculous to know that even if we refuse some strangers invitation to add friends or we were offline, they can still add us to their friendlist and know exactly when we will be online/offline. Sometimes, I just want to play alone, farm in peace. I want to be offline so friends in list won't bug me to show off how much they farmed today, what big drop they got... Like bruh, I just got online after a long day working, I want to play the game, not taking time to be polite and praise them. But on the other hand, I don't want to be rude and be a dick so... We all need personal space every now and then, however, POE doesn't have the feature to help us do that
don't forget creating a private instance of your hideout/etc for that offline mode and then you can always invite people directly that you still want to hang out with.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by brainslughunter#3781 on Oct 31, 2024, 12:13:32 PM
duccuong1oi2 wrote:
You should post this on reddit so more people will support and know about your idea. I also hate this about POE. We have no privacy while ingame. It's ridiculous to know that even if we refuse some strangers invitation to add friends or we were offline, they can still add us to their friendlist and know exactly when we will be online/offline. Sometimes, I just want to play alone, farm in peace. I want to be offline so friends in list won't bug me to show off how much they farmed today, what big drop they got... Like bruh, I just got online after a long day working, I want to play the game, not taking time to be polite and praise them. But on the other hand, I don't want to be rude and be a dick so... We all need personal space every now and then, however, POE doesn't have the feature to help us do that

I know its not a perfect solution, but you know you can do type /dnd <insert message>. this will block any chats from getting to you and auto reply to them with the message you put in when setting it.

You wont be able to send any whispers, including trade messages, while on though. A less effective/limiting approach would be to just set your status message to something that explains your current desires/situation. "just blastin for an hr, no trade/group play" etc.

“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
sometimes people need to focus, unseen, dnd.
but when people are trying to focus, playing hard, trading, and they get whispers from friends... interrupted, but they are friends, so sometimes it is hard to tell just 'no' or ignore that whisper.
so, just pretending that people didn't see the whisper...
and i've heard that steam has a privacy mode! and poe without steam doesn't have it! isn't it stupid?

or /dnd will help?

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