how can i get into EA for POE 2 ? Playtime since Closed Beta !!

Hey dear awesome Community :)

Im in loved with GGG and my playtime / Supportpakets are worrth it to get an EA ! I want to test everything on the upcoming best hacknslay rpg !!

Last bumped on Jul 6, 2024, 7:44:51 AM
Have to donate $5000 more to get early access.
kyobusa wrote:
Have to donate $5000 more to get early access.

It was $500 last time, not $5000.

If they follow the same pattern as last time, there will also be a supporter pack which includes a beta key, followed by them letting in more players over time as the beta continues - descending order by playtime is definitely possible there.

Assuming they're still on track, the beta is probable for November, so we should be getting details in over the next few months - I'm guessing we'll see another round of showcases and interviews during Gamescom in late August, and then a final wave of press in late October when they announce the date and details.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
Is it weird that I don't want into EA or Closed Beta?

Knowing I'm playing a chr that is going to get wiped, with no change in "leagues" (Beta to full release) mechanically... just kind of is meh to me.
akaelbenpfeil wrote:
Hey dear awesome Community :)

Im in loved with GGG and my playtime / Supportpakets are worrth it to get an EA ! I want to test everything on the upcoming best hacknslay rpg !!


Hey there,

We're so glad to hear how much you enjoy Path of Exile! You should be able to sign up for additional information/updates here:

They have not actually announced yet how anyone would gain access, it's all just guess work based on past betas.

So streamers will probably get in (though i expect there to be some sort of criteria)

Previous betas had beta access in the following ways

A lottery, you sign up, GGG draws a set amount per day (and the amount increased the closer to the end of beta it got)

Purchase a Key, initially could be bough on it's own, but the other betas it was part of a pack.

Lifetime spend, last beta was when they done this and it was $500 (could change in the PoE2 beta)

kevin51287 wrote:
Is it weird that I don't want into EA or Closed Beta?

It's not weird, everyone will be jumping in and ruining the launch for themselves, it's not even a concern that you loose anything, more of a concern that these people will be trying to find exploits and trying to make broken build and burning out for the launch.

I hardly even touched the Fall of Oriath beta.

Also i think that initially there won't be new league content when the game launches, given the size of it they'll likely start it off as the bare game, let it run for a cycle then add new leagues after that

Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980 on Jul 4, 2024, 3:14:56 PM
I wonder if it will be early access by Steam or some differet form of distribution.

The other thing that keeps my mind busy is will PoE2 have seperate forum or it will be part of this one?
Last edited by de99ial on Jul 6, 2024, 7:48:31 AM

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