I wish to protect this item with a Skin Transfer

I want this item to be protected from accidently vendor, trade or delete. So I will buy a skin transfer, just want to know, if the skin transfer is a consumable and when I do it, will there be an additional window prompting me to remove the skin before deleteing, just in case one day I am drunk or something :D

For those who don't know this flask is cca 10-20 mirrors.
Last bumped on Jun 30, 2024, 8:53:25 PM
Rinzlow wrote:

I want this item to be protected from accidently vendor, trade or delete. So I will buy a skin transfer, just want to know, if the skin transfer is a consumable and when I do it, will there be an additional window prompting me to remove the skin before deleteing, just in case one day I am drunk or something :D

For those who don't know this flask is cca 10-20 mirrors.

The Skin Transfer microtransaction is a consumable, so if you attach it to your flask it should prompt you before being able to use or vendor the flask.

You can read more about the Skin Transfer here: https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/armour-effects?search=skin%20transfer
Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Jun 30, 2024, 8:45:20 PM
thank you very much

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