Our Necropolis Fan Art Competition is still underway, where our community creates Fan Art inspired by content introduced in the Necropolis expansion for prizes! Check out some of the submissions below!

Embers of the Allflame by Huopatossu

Albus Arimor, Take 1 and Take 2 by lolozori

Gravecraft by Sabacu

Scion in Mischievous Hawker Challenge Reward Set by GoldPoE

Albus Arimor by AzizFakeQQ

There’s just under two weeks until submissions close for the competition! If you’d like to submit an entry you can do so by posting in this thread.

Good luck Exiles!
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Grinding Gear Games
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
That Scion artwork is dope!
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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