[3.24] RF SSF build

Hello guys - I've started to make a RF SSF build. I'm currently playing Blade Vortes Assassin, though I've reached a wall called "I'm in need of some uniques cuz I can't progress any farther". Since I'm SSF player and I can't succesfully farm with my BV build (defense layers are now 100% depoendent on at least 2 uniques - Kintsugi + Replica Mistwall which I don't have) I wanted to make another build capable to farm most content (even above T17) on SSF. I've heard that apart from EA Ballista, RF is also capable to reach even Ubers on SSF gear.

So atm I've made a RF Inquisitor. So far so good, though I'm afraid I don't really uinderstand some game mechanics and wanted to ask if someone may clarify them:

1. How does MOM actually work and is it that much of a gamechanger for RF? From the description and my understanding of the skill, seems like that 40% dmg will drain my whole mana and the rest will still dmg my life. So basically MOM will apply, let's assume 40 mana regen/sec, which in my understanding is equivalent to 40hp regen/sec. Which in result seems weak and I can just replace it with 1 life mastery 50hp regen node and allocate some skill points elsewhere (that were previously allocated into MOM and mana regen nodes). Can anyone explain that?

2. Also can any1 check my skill tree and assess whether it is viable? https://poeplanner.com/b/eaU

I won't have any spell suppression so I will play on 75/75 attack/spell block (with Tempest Shield). I'll be immune to most deadly ailments.

3. What's the best SSF build for RF? Can any1 rate those three (of course taking SSF into account)?:

RF Juggernaut:
Tankiness 1 - 10
Mapping 1 - 10
Boss dmg 1 - 10

RF Inquisitor
Tankiness 1 - 10
Mapping 1 - 10
Boss dmg 1 - 10

RF Chieftain
Tankiness 1 - 10
Mapping 1 - 10
Boss dmg 1 - 10
Last edited by arth1987#0616 on Apr 30, 2024, 3:50:54 PM
Last bumped on Jul 11, 2024, 6:48:51 PM
Dear All,

I'm pushing my build forward - currently mapping. So far the build seems godlike with around 1,8K regen, 4,5k life and 1,2k ES. The damage seems a little lackluster but my first goal was not to die. Then I'll focus on more dmg.

May someone check my skill tree:


I've got 1 point left and dunno where to put it. My ideas:

- Divine Shield
- Shield Mastery: 1% more block attack dmg per 5% of block on equipped shield
- Reservation Mastery: Auras from Your skill have 10% increased effect on You

Also, since I've already capped my fire res at 90 thanks to Phoenix shield, I've been thinking on shifting 1 point from fire res. to lighting res. or cold res. - which would be better?

Any1 cares to share some feedback?
arth1987 wrote:
Hello guys - I've started to make a RF SSF build. I'm currently playing Blade Vortes Assassin, though I've reached a wall called "I'm in need of some uniques cuz I can't progress any farther". Since I'm SSF player and I can't succesfully farm with my BV build (defense layers are now 100% depoendent on at least 2 uniques - Kintsugi + Replica Mistwall which I don't have) I wanted to make another build capable to farm most content (even above T17) on SSF. I've heard that apart from EA Ballista, RF is also capable to reach even Ubers on SSF gear.

So atm I've made a RF Inquisitor. So far so good, though I'm afraid I don't really uinderstand some game mechanics and wanted to ask if someone may clarify them:

1. How does MOM actually work and is it that much of a gamechanger for RF? From the description and my understanding of the skill, seems like that 40% dmg will drain my whole mana and the rest will still dmg my life. So basically MOM will apply, let's assume 40 mana regen/sec, which in my understanding is equivalent to 40hp regen/sec. Which in result seems weak and I can just replace it with 1 life mastery 50hp regen node and allocate some skill points elsewhere (that were previously allocated into MOM and mana regen nodes). Can anyone explain that?

2. Also can any1 check my skill tree and assess whether it is viable? https://poeplanner.com/b/eaU

I won't have any spell suppression so I will play on 75/75 attack/spell block (with Tempest Shield). I'll be immune to most deadly ailments.

3. What's the best SSF build for RF? Can any1 rate those three (of course taking SSF into account)?:

RF Juggernaut:
Tankiness 1 - 10
Mapping 1 - 10
Boss dmg 1 - 10

RF Inquisitor
Tankiness 1 - 10
Mapping 1 - 10
Boss dmg 1 - 10

RF Chieftain
Tankiness 1 - 10
Mapping 1 - 10
Boss dmg 1 - 10

My experience RF HCSSF can tank even sirius meteorites and degens, thousand suns balls, or shaper slams (stage 1), have excelent maping and tankiness (overconfidence against by-design 1 shoots like incinerate, obliterate, shaper pink or eater boobles can still kill you)

I have tested RF chief and RF jugg, and in my sight jug is better because you can have endurance charges, better regen, cannot be slowed of frozen by most sources, ignore bleed, and much more base armor to tank even big BIG hits.

As RF jug, I only fear:

Stygian revenants popping 302020202020 corpses at same time.
Those Terminators in heist that blast fireballs.
The one skeleton in necropolis map casting bonespire+bone fence.
Detonate dead chest.
No regen maps.
Certain delve pockets.
Shaper pink on 3rd stage that killed me (all screen full of pink sssht), finally :p
Last edited by Halugar#0425 on Jul 11, 2024, 6:53:49 PM

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