The fundamental challenge with "themeparks".

Due to my vast past EXP in games using either the themepark or sandbox formula Necropolis is the latest good example of the cons that come from the company choosing to be in "control" of the type of EXP the player will have versus sandbox where the player has "control" of their EXP through the choices they make.

Example, in real life there's no "God" to point fingers and shift blame, because its the people within that are influencing/changing and to some extend control their EXP.

GGG like every other company who's chosen the themepark formula has paid a certain price and there can be argument made about the sandbox formula as well. In Path of Exile the "sandbox" part is what players can influence/control which is the economy or to be more specific the value perceived of the items players can get/obtain through overcoming the challenging content with the time they spend, that is if they choose to play in trade league, which I wouldn't as long as the game remains in the current state.

In SSF where everything what I EXP is solely based on my time spent the only thing I can control/influence is my final ranking on the ladder in comparison with the rest of the community, and in the end this is why what players can control/influence will be always important for the companies to do it "better" from their competition.

Finally, yesterday was Sunday, the day when Twitch generates most views/traffic and like the many years before the consistency remains and the type of games that bring the most views "consistently" and its a good reason why they're of "competitive" nature, because they will always be more than the rest of the games that do not.
Last bumped on Apr 15, 2024, 4:47:25 PM
I like themeparks. Especially Disneyland
Imagine ranking a game and actually not choosing your enjoyment of it as the primary factor, but twitch views. I mean that is maybe important for a company, but you won't reach them there.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Twitch is more important because it lets casuals experience those sweet mirror drops.
I must have a low IQ. I don't understand this OP.
At Sexland in Las Vegas the EXP is controlled by the "staff" and I say it's the better for it.

5 stars from me

And it's cheaper that Disneyland too
Last edited by Glorfndel01 on Apr 15, 2024, 4:47:57 PM

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