Party Play is Broken for Xbox

Your unable invite people via their Xbox profile and your not able to invite through the guild menu. If you try your game crashes.

Last bumped on Apr 22, 2024, 11:50:11 AM
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Same here, party play is broken from last patch for me.
This should be fixed with the latest update.
Alexander_GGG wrote:
This should be fixed with the latest update.

Thank you for your speedy resolution
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Alexander_GGG wrote:
This should be fixed with the latest update.

Not working yet, but will try again next Tuesday
Sadly still broken on Xbox for me and my friend
Friend just figured it out: there's a new setting on the PoE start menu/chat/group screen (hit the right middle/menu button on controller).

On the far right of that screen, there's a setting under "Group" for "Allow friends to join group" that needs to be checked. This is defaulted to false/unchecked for some reason. Every time I restart my game it's defaulted to back to unchecked and needs to be re-checked. Tested with my friend and we can finally play together!

Searched internet for this exact phrase and noticed it under "Known issues" here: . I've seen that post every time I visit here and purposely never clicked it because the original post is from 2017, and the last post says it's from 2021. After clicking in to it, it says it was last updated April 1, 2024. I'll start checking that regularly

I also noticed this patch reset all of my other settings for the game (map overlay, health displays, etc), just a heads up in case the game looks different to you too.

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