Raise Spectre stopped functioning

After i respecced from oath of the magi to primalist i list my 3 dark marionette specters. I could not find them in my hideout so I decided to buy new ones. After putting a corpse out I realize that my spectre gem is not working. It is greyed out and raising the spectre my hovering over it and releasing the button for the raise Spectre gem did not work.

I tried a few things.

Unequiping the gem and reequping it.
Equip another raise Spectre gem.
Raising in another zone then the hideout.
Restarting the client. In this process I lost another of my dark marionette specters.

None of the above worked.

Bug report reference number:

Last bumped on Jan 7, 2024, 3:27:23 AM
Fyi: I levelled another character and it does not have the same problem.
It's time to admit I made a mistake! I resevered all my mana so I couldn't cast my raise Spectre haha. That's a few hours down the drain
LOL dude
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Still laughing at myself a few days later

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