Itemized temple search problems

The search supposed to work as is, but for some reason weighted sum of the pseudo mods is implemented in some mysterious way.

"closed room" doubles the weight value of the mod in resulted sum.
Using multiple weighted mods along with weighted "closed room" mod breaks the logic of summation. It's a mess and it should work differently.
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2024, 7:58:30 PM
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"Closed Room" has an internal value of 2 (so you can search it separately). You'll have to account for this in your weighting.
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— everything as expected, the sum is eq to 3
— everything as expected, the sum is eq to 1

If Closed room has weight of 2 then the displayed sum should be 3 but it's 2:
If Closed room has weight of 2 then the displayed sum should be 5 but it's 6:

It seems to me the value is multiplied with the input weight.
It seems to me there should rather be a summ.
Last edited by ThisIsAJoke#3467 on Jan 7, 2024, 8:21:19 PM
ThisIsAJoke wrote:
It seems to me the value is multiplied with the input weight.
That's how the Weighted Sum stat group works. If you want to halve it's contribution then use 0.5 as the weight instead.
Web DeveloperView our Developer Docs
Thank you for the explanation.
fails into "No results found" while there are plenty of items that match the weight. Is it suppose to work like that?
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the bug with the search involves searching for both a closed and open variant of the same room in the same weighted sum search. Doing this (although logically sound) breaks the search.
Last edited by Moshimoto#3608 on Jan 8, 2024, 7:16:09 AM
The min/max requirements act like an "If" stat group; so essentially you're asking for items that are both open and closed at the same time which of course returns no results.

A Weighted Sum that doesn't act like an "If" would be an interesting addition but currently it isn't possible to do what you're trying to do in one search.
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